Fitness room

Definition- What is a fitness room? Of course, a fitness room can mean something different for every person or exerciser. Basically, however, it means a possibility to train at home – i.e. independently of a fitness studio or similar. In the Anglo-American world, however, the term “garage gym” is more common. While in many areas … Fitness room

Are there any useful apps that I can use to train in my gym? | Fitness room

Are there any useful apps that I can use to train in my gym? Yes, there are already a lot of these apps. While it makes sense for endurance athletes in particular to wear a heart rate sensor during exercise, this is not necessarily relevant for pure strength exercises. With the help of apps, the … Are there any useful apps that I can use to train in my gym? | Fitness room

What costs do I have to expect when I set up a fitness room? | Fitness room

What costs do I have to expect when I set up a fitness room? The prices for a fully equipped fitness room are as wide spread as the range of different sports themselves.For example, if you limit yourself to the “essentials” mentioned in the upper section and take the time to buy these things used … What costs do I have to expect when I set up a fitness room? | Fitness room