Fasting risks

Synonym therapeutic fasting, diet, nutrition, losing weight Fasting Removing fasting Fasting Guide Fasting History Fasting risks Lent Fasting cure Straight ones with patients, who did not accomplish before ever a chamfering cure, should seize first some precautionary measures, in order to experience no bad surprises. With a chamfering cure despite the discharge days before a … Fasting risks

Amiloride: Effects, Usage & Risks

The drug amiloride belongs to the group of potassium-sparing diuretics. The main indications for its use are arterial hypertension, heart failure, coronary heart disease, and associated edema. The drug is taken orally as a tablet or capsule. What is amiloride? The main indications for the use of amiloride are arterial hypertension, heart failure, coronary heart … Amiloride: Effects, Usage & Risks

Anosmia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Patients suffering from anosmia have completely lost the ability to perceive odors. None of the more than 10000 known possible variations of odors can be perceived anymore. The different forms of anosmia are not considered rare clinical pictures. What is anosmia? All odors are perceived and processed in the brain, this happens via the so-called … Anosmia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Orthostatic Dysregulation: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Orthostatic dysregulation is the term used to describe a regulatory disorder of blood pressure. It occurs when the affected person adopts an upright posture. What is orthostatic dysregulation? Orthostatic dysregulation is also known in medicine as orthostasis syndrome or orthostatic hypotension. It refers to a regulatory disorder of blood pressure when a person changes to … Orthostatic Dysregulation: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Leydig Intermediate Cells: Structure, Function & Diseases

The Leydig intermediate cells are located between the seminiferous tubules of the testes and produce the male sex hormone testosterone. Thus, they are responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics of the male and the maintenance of all sexual functions. What are the Leydig intermediate cells? Leydig intermediate cells were named after their discoverer, Franz von … Leydig Intermediate Cells: Structure, Function & Diseases

Leg Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Leg pain can have a wide variety of causes – from harmless ones like sore muscles to conditions that can end in death. Diagnosis and treatment of leg pain depend on the cause of the leg pain. What is leg pain? Leg pain, by common definition, is distinct from foot pain or hip pain. In … Leg Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Inflammation of the eyelid

Introduction A swollen eyelid is disturbing, unsightly and annoying in many ways. It can itch, flake, wet, or its sheer size can obstruct the view and restrict the field of vision. The causes behind such a swollen, thickened eyelid are manifold. The first and most important question that helps the physician and of course the … Inflammation of the eyelid

What are the symptoms of eyelid inflammation? | Inflammation of the eyelid

What are the symptoms of eyelid inflammation? Sick, inflamed eyelids are thickly swollen and reddened. As a rule, those affected wake up in the morning with glued eyes and on the edge of the eyelids, between the lashes and in the corners of the eyes there are yellowish, slightly greasy scales and crusts. In addition, … What are the symptoms of eyelid inflammation? | Inflammation of the eyelid

Long-term Potentiation: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Long-term potentiation is the basis for neuronal plasticity and thus the remodeling of neuronal structures or circuitry in the nervous system. Without the process, neither the formation of memory nor learning experiences would be possible. Disturbances in longevity potentiation are present, for example, in diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. What is long-term potentiation? Long-term potentiation … Long-term Potentiation: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases