
History The word “vitamin” goes back to a Polish biochemist named Casimir Funk, which was created in 1912 during intensive research into the vitamin deficiency disease beri-beri. Casimir Funk constructed the term “vitamin” from “vita”, which means life and “amine”, since the isolated compound was an amine, i.e. a nitrogenous compound. However, it later became … Vitamins

Occurrence and main symptoms of deficiency | Vitamins

Occurrence and main symptoms of deficiency Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Vitamin B1 is found mainly in wheat germs, fresh sunflower seeds, soybeans and whole grain cereals. A vitamin B1 deficiency is usually due to malnutrition. In developing countries the typical thiamine deficiency disease beri-beri, caused by the consumption of husked rice, occurs. Symptoms of vitamin B1 … Occurrence and main symptoms of deficiency | Vitamins

Vitamin requirement | Vitamins

Vitamin requirement The vitamin requirement depends on many factors. Thus play an increased Vitaminbedarf can be caused on stress, physical and mental load, diseases, smoking, pregnancy and quiet time. Age, Gender and living conditions play a decisive role. Vitamins in the banana Bananas are not as rich in vitamins as other types of fruit, but … Vitamin requirement | Vitamins

Hypervitaminosis | Vitamins

Hypervitaminosis One speaks of a hypervitaminosis when there is an oversupply of vitamins. This can only occur with the fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D and K). However, this cannot be achieved by diet. Only dietary supplements and vitamin preparations can be considered. With a balanced and healthy diet, hypervitaminosis is not to be expected. Vitamins … Hypervitaminosis | Vitamins

Recommended vitamins for children | Vitamins

Recommended vitamins for children In general, in most life situations there is no need for additional intake of vitamins (substitution), since a balanced diet rarely leads to a vitamin deficiency. However, there are recommendations for the intake of vitamins in certain life situations. Infants and toddlers can be given vitamin D (cholecalciferol). Substitution is also … Recommended vitamins for children | Vitamins

Therapy of a stroke

Synonyms Therapy Apoplex, ischemic stroke, cerebral circulatory disorder, apoplectic insult On the basis of the cranial CT a bleeding is excluded. The therapy is carried out within a time window of 3 (6 hours at the most) after the onset of symptoms. There is no clouding of consciousness in the patient. There are no contraindications/restrictions … Therapy of a stroke

Summary | Therapy of a stroke

Summary Signs of a stroke should be diagnosed as such as soon as possible and the cause of the stroke treated. A rapid diagnosis and the start of therapeutic measures are particularly critical for the success of the therapy. By restoring the oxygen supply to the affected parts of the brain, the signs and symptoms … Summary | Therapy of a stroke