Aftercare | Surgery of a wrist fracture

Aftercare Follow-up treatment is particularly important in the case of wrist fractures. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation are used as early as possible to restore the original freedom of movement. After 6 weeks of immobilization, muscles have regressed and tendons have shortened. The task of physiotherapy is now to carefully restore the functionality of the hand. But … Aftercare | Surgery of a wrist fracture

Sternum: Structure, Function & Diseases

The sternum is located in the center of the chest and is a bone that is flat and sword-shaped. Structures located behind the sternum are called retrosternal, and structures located to the side are called parasternal. The bone consists of the handle (manubrium sterni), body (corpus sterni), and sword process (processus xiphoideus), respectively. What is … Sternum: Structure, Function & Diseases

Budipin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Budipin is an active drug ingredient used to treat Parkinson’s disease. It is effective at any stage of the disease and can be optimally combined with other anti-Parkinson drugs. Most importantly, Budipin reduces the tremors typical of those with the disease and significantly improves slowed movements. What is Budipin? Budipin is a drug substance used … Budipin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Nutrition for hip arthrosis

Introduction Hip arthrosis is a common clinical picture, because with increasing age the connective and supporting tissue and thus also the joint cartilage is degeneratively converted. Arthrosis can develop as a result of incorrect loading or an accident with fracture of the hip joint. Nutrition plays a role in the development of hip arthrosis because … Nutrition for hip arthrosis

Cryptitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cryptitis is an inflammatory disease in the area of the human rectum. It arises especially from problems with defecation, as a result of which there is inflammation of the anal papillae. Later, an infection of the anal gland itself may develop on it. What is cryptitis? Under the term cryptitis, physicians understand an inflammation in … Cryptitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

How long is a Norovirus infection contagious?

Introduction Especially in the winter months, an extremely unpleasant and virus-induced disease of the gastrointestinal tract spreads. An infection with the norovirus manifests itself in cramp-like stomach pain, gushing vomiting and watery diarrhea. The symptoms often last only a short time, but their severity is threatening and can be dangerous for small children and the … How long is a Norovirus infection contagious?

How can I tell if I am still contagious? | How long is a Norovirus infection contagious?

How can I tell if I am still contagious? As long as the infection with Norovirus is still acute, one can also assume that one is contagious. Nausea and watery bowel movements are therefore the best indicator of a still existing risk of infection. Two days after the last symptoms have disappeared, one should generally … How can I tell if I am still contagious? | How long is a Norovirus infection contagious?

Ultrashort Feedback Mechanism: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The ultrashort feedback mechanism is a regulatory circuit of endocrine secretion in autocrine and paracrine glands. In this feedback loop, a hormone inhibits its own secretion without intermediate steps or other hormones. Dysregulation in the ultra-feedback mechanism can result from diseases such as Graves’ disease. What is the ultrashort feedback mechanism? The regulatory circuit is … Ultrashort Feedback Mechanism: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases