Circadian Rhythmicity: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Circadian rhythmicity is the ability to orient to time in relative independence from external influencing factors. This ability is crucial for bodily functions such as hormone secretion or blood pressure. Abrupt time zone changes throw the clock out of balance and manifest in jet-lag. What is circadian rhythmicity? Circadian rhythmicity is the ability to orient … Circadian Rhythmicity: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Hepatic Encephalopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hepatic encephalopathy is brain damage caused by metabolic toxins. It is caused by liver damage, usually cirrhosis. Degradation products, especially ammonia, are no longer adequately disposed of. The consequence is, among other things, hepatic encephalopathy. What is hepatic encephalopathy? Hepatic encephalopathy refers to a crisis of the central nervous system resulting from liver damage. This … Hepatic Encephalopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Yellow Eyes: Causes, Treatment & Help

Yellow eyes in most cases indicate disorders in the liver or gall bladder. If, in addition, yellowish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes also occurs, one speaks of jaundice (icterus). Behind the symptom can be both harmless causes, such as a disturbed breakdown of metabolic products, but also serious blood and liver diseases. In … Yellow Eyes: Causes, Treatment & Help

Quetiapine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Quetiapine is the name of a drug used to treat mental illness. It belongs to the group of atypical neuroleptics. What is quetiapine? Quetiapine is the name given to an atypical neuroleptic. This group of drugs is primarily used to treat bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Quetiapine also has the advantage of being a second-generation antipsychotic, … Quetiapine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Black tea (Camellia sinensis)

Tea bushes Plant description His home countries are China, India and Ceylon. Today the plant is cultivated on a large scale in numerous areas. As a cultivated plant, the tea shrub is kept low, the leaves are dark green, elongated ovate, leaf edge clearly serrated. The white flowers with yellow stamens have a strong scent … Black tea (Camellia sinensis)

The blackfly

What is a blackfly? The blackfly represents a blue-grey to black mosquito up to six millimeters in size, whose female animals suck blood from warm-blooded animals and humans. They do not bite the host in the narrower sense, but create a wound with their mouth parts, from which they then suck. The blackfly feeds on … The blackfly

Associated symptoms | The blackfly

Associated symptoms In addition to the initial pain of the blackfly bite, there may be swelling and reddening of the bite site as the disease progresses. In most cases, those affected complain of itching, which they give way to with scratching. In some, fortunately rare cases, stronger, allergic symptoms can also occur. These include hives … Associated symptoms | The blackfly