
The name scaphoid stands both for a bone in the hand and a bone in the foot. In order to keep the confusion small, the medical term is Os Scaphoideum and Os Naviculare, whereby the Scaphoid is the bone in the hand and the Os Naviculare is the bone in the foot. The scaphoid in … Scaphoid

Eclampsia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Eclampsia is the most severe form of pregnancy poisoning. The pregnant woman may experience seizures, and the patient may even fall into a coma. Before eclampsia occurs, there is usually preeclampsia. This is usually manifested by increased blood pressure as well as increased excretion of protein by the kidneys. What is eclampsia? Eclampsia is a … Eclampsia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Irritable bladder

Definition An irritable bladder is a disorder of bladder emptying that is manifested by a frequent urge to urinate and sometimes also by the inability to hold the urine. It is important for the diagnosis that none of the numerous other causes of a bladder voiding disorder are present. Synonyms Over- and hyperactive bladder Urethral … Irritable bladder

Frequency | Irritable bladder

Frequency Mostly women and men between the ages of 30 and 50 are affected. More women are affected before the age of 30. After that, men can also have the symptoms of an irritable bladder. An irritable bladder occurs relatively rarely in children. Urination disorders in them usually have other causes (e.g. excitement, emotional conflicts, … Frequency | Irritable bladder

Meconium Aspiration: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In modern medicine, the term meconium aspiration refers to the so-called respiratory distress syndrome in newborns. Respiratory distress syndrome appears immediately after the birth of the newborn and is always due to impaired lung function. What is meconium aspiration? In approximately 10 to 15 percent of all recorded births, a condition called meconium aspiration occurs. … Meconium Aspiration: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Defibrillation: Treatment, Effects & Risks

With defibrillation, first responders use a direct current pulse to correct a life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia, which can result in a fatal heart attack if not counteracted in time. De-fibrillation is achieved exclusively by successfully administering a shock. The synonym for defibrillation is de-fibrillation. What is defibrillation? With defibrillation, first responders use a direct current pulse … Defibrillation: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Corneal Ulcer

Definition A corneal ulcer is a superficial lesion, or injury, of the cornea in the eye. Because the cornea is the foremost layer of the eye, it can be quickly injured by splinters, for example. The injury is limited to the uppermost layers and is very painful. Symptoms of a corneal ulcer If the cornea … Corneal Ulcer

Kidney Weakness (Renal Insufficiency): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Kidney weakness or renal insufficiency (also renal failure) is divided into acute and chronic manifestations. Acute renal failure can occur suddenly and within a few hours. The cause is usually impaired renal perfusion. However, if renal insufficiency occurs more frequently or persists over a longer period of time, it can be referred to as chronic … Kidney Weakness (Renal Insufficiency): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment