Is alcohol addiction hereditary? | Alcoholism

Is alcohol addiction hereditary? Scientists have found out that alcohol addiction or addictive behavior in general is actually hereditary to a certain degree. It is said that there is a gene that is particularly related to alcoholism. This is the CRHR1 gene. There is a mutation of this gene in some people in the population, … Is alcohol addiction hereditary? | Alcoholism

Ceelen-Gellerstedt Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Ceelen-Gellerstedt syndrome is a lung disorder believed to be one of the autoimmune diseases that causes episodic or chronic hemorrhages in lung tissue. Fibrosis often develops from the hemorrhages. Causal treatments are not yet available for this rare disease. What is Ceelen-Gellerstedt syndrome? Ceelen-Gellerstedt syndrome is a rare lung disease that appears as hemorrhage in … Ceelen-Gellerstedt Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cefalexin: Effects, Uses & Risks

The pharmacologic agent cefalexin is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections. Cefalexin can be applied orally and belongs to the antibiotic group of cephalosporins. What is cefalexin? As a cephalosporin, cefalexin belongs to the so-called beta-lactams, which are industrially produced semisynthetically. It is a prescription antibiotic in Germany. After ingestion of a tablet containing … Cefalexin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Baby massage

Definition There is no clear definition of what exactly is meant by a baby massage. The type of massage varies from baby to baby. However, the aims of a baby massage can be more clearly defined. The aim of a baby massage is to strengthen the relationship with the child, build trust and provide the … Baby massage

Costs | Baby massage

Costs It is difficult to make binding or uniform statements on the cost issue. Since each provider can set its own tariff, there is no fixed regulation or limitation of costs. However, if required or in special cases, the costs of a baby massage can also be fully or at least partially covered by health … Costs | Baby massage

What massage oil? | Baby massage

What massage oil? Roughly speaking, oils with two effects can be distinguished in baby massage. Oils with a relaxing character and oils with an attention-grabbing character. While the relaxing oils have pleasant fragrances or particularly caring substances added, the other oils are more characterized by the addition of, for example, mint fragrances or light forms … What massage oil? | Baby massage

Rank Jued: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

The medicinal plant Rang Jued is native to Thailand and Malaysia and has been cultivated there for many centuries. Even in our country, its detoxifying, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects are increasingly appreciated. In the form of tea, capsules or powder, baths, tinctures or poultices, the plant helps with many ailments: elevated cholesterol, liver disease, alcohol … Rank Jued: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Rattle Noise: Causes, Treatment & Help

A rhonchi (also known as rales) is caused by thin or viscous secretions in the lungs. Sounds of varying character then occur in conjunction with breathing. The fluid retention can be caused by heart failure, inflammation or chronic lung disease. What is a rhonchi sound? A doctor notices the rhonchi sound when listening to the … Rattle Noise: Causes, Treatment & Help