How to do Proper Foot Care

If you love your feet, you should take care of them. But the supporting pillars of the human body are often neglected. Not only optical impairments such as calluses and fissures are possible consequences, but also more serious damage such as ingrown nails or athlete’s foot. Foot care for diabetics In diabetics and other chronically … How to do Proper Foot Care

Why Our Feet Need Foot Care

What is this: two arcs that form a triangle and consist of 26 parts? Clearly: the foot! This marvel of biomechanics works in tandem to help us walk safely upright, maintain balance, and carry our full weight through life day after day. On average, humans circle the earth four times in the course of their … Why Our Feet Need Foot Care

Household remedy against circulatory problems

Household remedies are a good complementary way to treat circulatory problems. They are usually well tolerated and easy to use. However, one should not rely solely on household remedies and herbal medicines when treating a circulatory disorder. The effects of household remedies are usually not sufficiently proven in studies. Even if many household remedies are … Household remedy against circulatory problems