Elastic stable intramedullary nailing (ESIN) with TEN (Titanic elastic nail) or STEN

Introduction Elastic stable intramedullary nailing (ESIN, TEN, Prévot nailing) is a possibility of surgical treatment of various bone fractures. This method is particularly suitable for the treatment of childhood fractures of the long tubular bones, such as the upper arm, forearm, thigh and lower leg. The technique involves inserting flexible titanium (TEN) or steel (STEN) … Elastic stable intramedullary nailing (ESIN) with TEN (Titanic elastic nail) or STEN

The oath hand

Definition In the typical position of the oath hand, thumb, index and middle finger are stretched and the ring finger and little finger are bent. In medicine, the hand of oath refers to a symptom that occurs due to paralysis of the median nerve. The hand can no longer be clenched into a fist. If … The oath hand

The nerve conduction velocity (NLG) | The oath hand

The nerve conduction velocity (NLG) The nerve conduction velocity is measured by electroneurography (ENG). Here, the nerve is stimulated by an electrical stimulus and then various parameters can be derived which allow conclusions to be drawn about nerve function. A reduced nerve conduction velocity indicates demyelination or a total severance of the nerve. It is … The nerve conduction velocity (NLG) | The oath hand