Balance Disorders

Dizziness is experienced differently by everyone. For some it is the loss of spatial orientation, feeling of weakness or blackness before the eyes; others complain of nausea or the tendency to fall. About 38% of German citizens suffer from dizziness attacks – women more often than men. In 8% of those affected, the dizziness is due to a medical condition.

Vertigo: symptom with numerous causes

If dizziness manifests itself with an unpleasant distortion of spatial and motion perception, it is not a disease, but a symptom with numerous causes. The range of causes is large. In this case, dizziness – like pain – is an alarm signal of the body, the cause of which must be sought. Triggers can be the vestibular system itself, but also too high or too low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, metabolism or the psyche. An exact medical diagnosis – especially in the case of newly occurring vertigo attacks – is therefore very important and the basis for any further treatment.

Staying in balance

Balance is based on the finely tuned cooperation of a wide variety of organs. These include the eyes, the sense of balance in the inner ear, and central processing in the brain. If one link in the chain doesn’t work, all the others get confused, too – we get dizzy. In motion sickness, the brain receives conflicting information about the position and movement of the body, causing what is known as physiological stimulus dizziness. Taking many medications, such as antibiotics, antidepressants, heart-strengthening or blood pressure-lowering drugs, can also cause dizziness. Worse is “lesion vertigo,” which results from a pathological disturbance in the function of sensory organs, especially the organ of balance. If the equilibrium organ in the ear is diseased or has completely failed, it is called vestibular vertigo. Possible causes are inflammations, tumors, circulatory disorders, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis or diseases such as Meniere’s disease. This disease, which occurs mainly between the ages of 40 and 60, is manifested by attacks of vertigo lasting minutes or even hours, with a tendency to fall, sweating, nausea and vomiting. Most often, the disease takes a favorable course; in unfavorable cases, hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) may develop.

“Swindling” is most common in old age

The most common form of vertigo in adults is head-lying and positional vertigo, which occurs preferentially when the head is placed on its side. This vertigo may occur after falls or very violent head movements. As a typical disease of old age, this vertigo usually manifests itself between the ages of 60 and 80. Especially at night, when turning around in bed or sitting up, patients suffer from short-lasting attacks of vertigo, which may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and anxiety. This condition rarely lasts long, but generally subsides after treatment.

Blood pressure and balance

Dizziness, lightheadedness, and blackness before the eyes may also be the result of a deficiency of blood flow to the brain, which in turn is due to a circulatory disturbance, usually temporary. This is often the result of a drop in blood pressure and is characterized by lightheadedness, slowing down or confusion. In addition, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, nausea and, in extreme cases, brief fainting may also occur. However, dizziness can also be triggered by elevated blood pressure, and headaches are almost always present. Cardiac arrhythmias, especially in the elderly, are also a cause of dizziness, since the brain does not receive a steady blood supply

Treatment – everything on the right track

In addition to treating the cause of dizziness, physiotherapeutic measures have proven particularly effective. This involves provoking postural insecurities that require corrective movements on the part of the patient. Thus, the ultimate goal of therapy is to improve the balance response. Medicinal therapy for vertigo and motion sickness may involve tablets (e.g., with dimenhydrinate) or homeopathic preparations with cocculus.

Rest for dizziness – not always the remedy of choice

Physical activity is also or especially important with increasing age, because in people with already low blood pressure, it drops even further in stressful situations.If you then lie down to rest, you additionally intensify these circulatory reactions. Anyone who suffers from dizzy spells due to a particular fear and shows signs of circulatory weakness after getting up – such as muscle tremors, palpitations or dizziness – should gradually increase their physical fitness. Suitable fitness training not only promotes physical and mental fitness, but also the body’s oxygen supply. In particular, isometric muscle training and endurance sports activate the circulation and ensure oxygen supply. Rest or even strict bed rest, on the other hand, additionally weaken, especially older people.