Complications of forearm fractures in children | Forearm fracture in a child

Complications of forearm fractures in children As with all injuries, forearm fractures can also cause complications. Four complications are highlighted for children. Since children are treated conservatively and surgery is avoided where possible, the bone can break again at the already injured site if the load is applied too early. This is less common with … Complications of forearm fractures in children | Forearm fracture in a child


Definition – What are crutches? Walking aids (colloquially also called crutches) are called forearm crutches where the body weight is taken with the forearms and hands to relieve the legs. They basically consist of a metal tube which serves as a support. At the lower end is a rubber capsule, which provides slip resistance. The … Crutches

How much do crutches cost? | Crutches

How much do crutches cost? The basic model of forearm crutches is about 20 €. Additional aids are available for an additional charge. For example, crutches with ergonomic handles usually cost between 25 and 30 €. Accessories such as grip pads can be purchased from 5 €, spikes cost about 10 €. Particularly unusual models … How much do crutches cost? | Crutches

Lower leg fracture

The term lower leg medically describes the area of the lower extremity that is further away from the knee and extends to the foot. This area is formed by two bones, the tibia and fibula. These bony structures are held together by ligaments and muscles, with the majority of the musculature being located at the … Lower leg fracture

Diagnosis | Lower leg fracture

Diagnosis If a lower leg fracture is suspected after an accident, a doctor should always be consulted. This doctor can confirm or disprove the suspicion with certain methods. It is important to first describe the course of the accident. This can provide the first relevant information for a reliable diagnosis. The final diagnosis of a … Diagnosis | Lower leg fracture

Symptoms | Lower leg fracture

Symptoms The symptoms after a lower leg fracture can vary in severity depending on the type of fracture. Typically, affected persons complain of severe pain in the injured area. In addition, almost all lower leg fractures are accompanied by restrictions in the leg’s movement and an inability to bear weight. A common symptom of lower … Symptoms | Lower leg fracture