Coplic stains

Definition The so-called Koplik spots are mucous membrane changes in the cheek area in the context of a measles infection. They show themselves in the form of circumscribed small reddenings with a white center. In colloquial language, they are therefore also called “lime splash spots”. Koplik spots only appear in the initial stage of the … Coplic stains

TreatmentTherapy | Coplic stains

TreatmentTherapy The treatment of a measles infection is purely symptomatic. This means that all drugs used only relieve the symptoms of the infection. The pathogen itself is not directly affected by this therapeutic measure. Instead, it is the task of the body’s own immune system to successfully fight the virus. However, in order to optimally … TreatmentTherapy | Coplic stains


Introduction Folliculitis describes an inflammation of the hair follicles, also known as hair follicles. It can be both acute and chronic. A folliculitis can also be non-purulent or accompanied by pus formation. Triggering factors for folliculitis are often infections with bacteria, fungi or parasites. An immune deficiency or medication can also cause folliculitis. Particularly predisposed … Folliculitis

Diagnosis | Folliculitis

Diagnosis The diagnosis of folliculitis is typically a gaze diagnosis for the doctor. The doctor is presented with small inflamed areas of skin with centrally growing hair and possibly visible pus. If the diagnosis is not so obvious and easy to make or if folliculitis occurs repeatedly, systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus or an … Diagnosis | Folliculitis

Oral thrush for the baby

Introduction A mouth sore is a fungal infection, which is caused to 90% by the yeast fungus Candida albicans. Generally this infection is called candidosis. Different parts of the body can be affected. If the mouth is affected, it is called oral thrush. The yeast fungus Candida albicans can be detected on the skin and … Oral thrush for the baby

Therapy | Oral thrush for the baby

Therapy Mouth sores in babies are usually a harmless matter. Nevertheless, an adequate therapy should be initiated to alleviate the child’s symptoms and prevent systemic infection. For oral thrush, topical (local) therapy with antimycotic ointments, gels or solutions is usually sufficient. These kill the fungus. These remedies for fungal diseases contain the active ingredients Clotrimazole, … Therapy | Oral thrush for the baby

Danger of infection of the oral cavity | Oral thrush for the baby

Danger of infection of the oral cavity In principle, a oral thrush is contagious. It can be transmitted from person to person through direct contact. Contaminated food or objects (for example pacifiers) can also lead to transmission. However, it is very unlikely that a baby with a healthy immune system will be infected with oral … Danger of infection of the oral cavity | Oral thrush for the baby

Fever as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? | Symptoms of vaginal mycosis

Fever as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? Fever is not a classic symptom of vaginal mycosis. As a rule, fever means that the body has to fight an inflammation, which is usually not the case with vaginal mycosis. If skin changes in the intimate area occur in combination with fever, a medical examination should also … Fever as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? | Symptoms of vaginal mycosis

Rash as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? | Symptoms of vaginal mycosis

Rash as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? The appearance of rash is usually accompanied by an allergic reaction. For example, a rash in the area of the vagina can indicate an allergy to a detergent used or be caused by wearing new, unwashed underwear. A joint occurrence with a vaginal fungus is possible, but does … Rash as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? | Symptoms of vaginal mycosis