General anesthesia for dementia | General Anesthesia

General anesthesia for dementia General anesthesia is always associated with an increased risk in dementia patients. This already becomes apparent during the planning of the anaesthesia, as the affected persons cannot make any reliable statements about their previous illnesses and medication. In addition, rules such as the fasting period before anesthesia are difficult to implement … General anesthesia for dementia | General Anesthesia

General Anesthesia

Definition General anesthesia is a procedure used in surgical operations that puts the patient into complete unconsciousness, during which independent breathing is suspended. Applications General anesthesia is always used when long and complex procedures are involved or when there is a risk that the patient’s restlessness could jeopardize the surgical procedure. Furthermore, general anesthesia must … General Anesthesia

Side effects | General Anesthesia

Side effects Like almost every medical procedure, general anesthesia is not free of side effects. Although one has a lot of experience with the procedure and it is well tolerated in the majority of cases, one should point out the most important side effects. The form and extent to which side effects occur after general … Side effects | General Anesthesia

Risks | General Anesthesia

Risks General anesthesia is a major intervention in the normal processes of the body and therefore also offers some risks. One risk with general anesthesia is a potentially difficult ventilation situation. This means that the supply of oxygen is not guaranteed. Also reactions of the cardiovascular system to the anaesthesia are possible and occur especially … Risks | General Anesthesia

Risks and side effects of general anesthesia for wisdom tooth surgery | General anesthesia for a wisdom tooth surgery

Risks and side effects of general anesthesia for wisdom tooth surgery General anesthesia is a procedure that has been successfully performed daily in hospitals worldwide for many years. A distinction is made between the risks that can occur during general anesthesia and the unpleasant, but usually harmless side effects afterwards. The risks include, for example, … Risks and side effects of general anesthesia for wisdom tooth surgery | General anesthesia for a wisdom tooth surgery

What are the costs of general anesthesia for wisdom tooth surgery? | General anesthesia for a wisdom tooth surgery

What are the costs of general anesthesia for wisdom tooth surgery? If the health insurance company does not cover the costs of general anesthesia for the wisdom tooth surgery, the dentist or anesthesiologist will settle the bill. The patient will be informed about the costs and will receive an invoice after the surgery. The amount … What are the costs of general anesthesia for wisdom tooth surgery? | General anesthesia for a wisdom tooth surgery

Sequence of the Op | How can a vasectomy be reversed?

Sequence of the Op Since refertilization requires a precise microsurgical procedure, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia. After the patient is asleep, the skin is opened either through the scars of the vasectomy operation or through an incision in the middle fold of skin of the scrotum (testicles). The separate ends of the vas … Sequence of the Op | How can a vasectomy be reversed?

What does the operation cost? | How can a vasectomy be reversed?

What does the operation cost? The costs for a refertilization with a specialist are about 2000-3000€. This makes the operation significantly more expensive than the previous vasectomy. This is because a vasovasostomy is a more complex procedure that requires more time, equipment and expertise. Special, expensive suture material for microsurgical operations is used to reconnect … What does the operation cost? | How can a vasectomy be reversed?