Aviation and Space Medicine: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Spending time in space or flying airplanes under high stress requirements comes with some risks and can also become quite an ordeal. Bone and muscle loss, visual disturbances or circulatory problems are some of the manifestations that the physically demanding activity brings. For this purpose, aviation and space medicine was introduced, which deals specifically with … Aviation and Space Medicine: Treatment, Effects & Risks

General Medicine: Treatment, Effects & Risks

General practitioners are usually the physicians most frequently consulted for physical complaints. If they cannot treat them themselves, they coordinate further treatment to specialists and coordinate the treatment of their own diagnostics with the findings of the specialists. What is general practice? General practitioners are usually the physicians most often consulted for physical ailments. If … General Medicine: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Phlebology: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Phlebology is a medical subspecialty that deals with venous disorders such as varicose veins, thrombosis or phlebitis. To make a diagnosis, phlebology uses standard procedures such as Doppler sonography or duplex sonography. Compression therapies and stripping are among the most important phlebological treatment measures. What is phlebology? Phlebology is a medical subspecialty that deals with … Phlebology: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Nematode Infection: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Nematode infection can be promoted by a lack of hygienic measures. Appropriate measures are important in nematode control. What is nematode infection? So-called nematodes (threadworms) can cause nematode infection in humans. There are several types of nematodes; the nematodes that most commonly cause nematode infection worldwide include roundworm and pinworm. The roundworm is predominantly found … Nematode Infection: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Charcot Foot: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Charcot foot represents a rare special form of diabetic foot. It involves softening of the bone, which eventually breaks even under normal stress. What is Charcot foot? Charcot foot or Charcot arthropathy primarily affects diabetics. Thus, 95 percent of all patients are people who have diabetes mellitus. Charcot foot is considered a rarely occurring special … Charcot Foot: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment