Induced-fit: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The induced-fit theory originated with Koshland and corresponds to an extension of the lock-and-key principle, which assumes that anatomical structures fit together. Induced-fit refers to enzymes such as kinase that change their conformation to form an enzyme-ligand complex. In enzyme defects, the induced-fit principle may be affected by perturbations. What is induced-fit? There is binding … Induced-fit: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Rupture of biceps tendon/rupture | Therapy for biceps tendon inflammation

Rupture of biceps tendon/rupture Recurring or severe inflammation can change the composition of the biceps tendon. It becomes less resilient and brittle. In the case of chronic inflammation of the biceps tendon or other inflammatory or degenerative diseases of the shoulder joint, the tendon may tear if the strain is not adequate. More rare is … Rupture of biceps tendon/rupture | Therapy for biceps tendon inflammation