Diaper dermatitis

Synonyms in the broadest sense dermatitis ammoniacalis, dermatitis pseudosyphilitica papulosa, dermatitis glutaealis infantum, erythema papulosum posterosivum, erythema glutaeale, posterosive syphiloid Definition More than two thirds of all infants develop diaper dermatitis, which is caused by an extensive, irritable inflammation with Redness Wetness and Pustules is marked in the diaper area. Children often develop acute diaper … Diaper dermatitis

Vancomycin and glycopeptide antibiotics

The so-called glycopeptide antibiotics include substances with the active ingredient vancomycin. Effect The so-called glycopeptide antibiotics include substances with the active ingredient vancomycin. These drugs act by inhibiting the formation of the bacteria‘s cell wall. When the cells can no longer build up their outer shell, they die and the infection subsides. Fields of application … Vancomycin and glycopeptide antibiotics

Overweight causes

Altered basal metabolic rate (BMR) Basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy that the body of a relaxed lying person needs 12 hours after the last food intake at a constant room temperature of 20 degrees per day. This amount of energy is necessary for the organs to work, the metabolism to function and … Overweight causes

Service turnover | Overweight causes

Service turnover The activity metabolic rate is the amount of calories consumed by exercise and work in addition to the basal metabolic rate. It depends on physical activity and varies greatly from person to person. To estimate the total energy consumption, multiply the resting energy consumption by 1.6 for men and by 1.5 for women … Service turnover | Overweight causes

Social Status | Overweight causes

Social Status In the MONICA PROJECT it was proven that social status in Germany has similar effects on weight as in other industrialized countries. The lower the social class, the higher the weight. This trend is particularly evident among women; those with a secondary modern school leaving certificate were 4 times more likely to be … Social Status | Overweight causes