How is yellow diarrhea diagnosed? | Yellow diarrhea

How is yellow diarrhea diagnosed? In the case of yellow diarrhea, a suspected diagnosis should first be made with the help of the medical history (questioning of the affected person by a doctor). In doing so, many possible causes of the symptoms can be excluded. This is followed by a physical examination of the abdomen … How is yellow diarrhea diagnosed? | Yellow diarrhea

Wound healing disorders | Wound Healing

Wound healing disorders Disturbances in wound healing can be caused by infections (bacterial) or haematoma formation. Both should be treated as quickly as possible by cleansing and antibiosis (infection) or by puncture or opening the skin suture (haematoma). The scar itself can heal without complications, or it can form more kelloid. This leads to increased … Wound healing disorders | Wound Healing

Physiotherapy | Wound Healing

Physiotherapy Wound healing and physiotherapy are not mutually exclusive. Of course, the skin around the wound should not be subjected to a lot of exercise, but a little exercise is not wrong. Since physiotherapists are medically trained, they can do exercises with the patients that do not harm the wound. Another area of wound care … Physiotherapy | Wound Healing

Homeopathy | Wound Healing

Homeopathy There are several homeopathic remedies available to promote wound healing. These can be taken orally as globules or applied locally as compresses or tinctures. Calendula is available for wound healing on the body. Calendula is said to have an anti-inflammatory effect. It also promotes wound and scar healing. Staphisagria is particularly suitable for the … Homeopathy | Wound Healing

Wound Healing

Introduction Wounds can heal primarily or secondarily. In primary wound healing, the wound edges adapt themselves or are adapted tension-free by sutures. The wounds usually heal very quickly and almost without scarring. All that remains is a fine, barely visible scar. The prerequisites for primary wound healing are smooth wound edges, non-irritating wounds and no … Wound Healing

Acidum sulfuricum

Other termf Sulphuric acid Use of Acidum sulfuricum for the following diseases Chronic bronchitis Asthma Gastritis Arthritis Wear and tear on the joints Application Acidum sulfuricum for the following symptoms/complaints Rattling cough Coughing fits with subsequent weakness Whistling breath sounds Bad breath Sore oral mucosa Acid burping Constipation with mucous secretion In the menopausal years … Acidum sulfuricum

Learning strategies for different learning groups | What learning strategies are there?

Learning strategies for different learning groups When memorizing pure factual knowledge, such as vocabulary or data, it is important that students use the learning strategy of repetition. A flash card system can help here, which quickly shows the student whether he or she has already internalized the subject matter or has to repeat it again. … Learning strategies for different learning groups | What learning strategies are there?

Learning strategies for different situations | What learning strategies are there?

Learning strategies for different situations When learning vocabulary, it is important not to learn too many words at once without a break or repetition. Accordingly, you should not learn more than seven to ten words at once. A very popular learning method for vocabulary is the use of mnemonic devices. The vocabulary is linked to … Learning strategies for different situations | What learning strategies are there?

Where and how can I acquire learning strategies? | What learning strategies are there?

Where and how can I acquire learning strategies? Learning strategies are essential for efficient learning. If you have not been introduced to learning strategies in school, there are numerous possibilities to acquire them yourself. The literature deals in detail with the subject area of learning, which also includes learning strategies. In addition, it is possible … Where and how can I acquire learning strategies? | What learning strategies are there?