Hallux Valgus (Bunion)

Hallux valgus – the malposition of the big toe popularly known as bunion – is one of the most common foot disorders in the Western world, often developing in childhood due to wearing shoes that are too tight or too small. How does hallux valgus develop and what are its symptoms? What is hallux valgus? … Hallux Valgus (Bunion)

Operation of a hallux rigidus

Introduction Hallux rigidus describes an arthritic change with an associated increase in bony tissue at the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe, which can be very painful and significantly affects the movement and rolling motion of the foot. Operation of the hallux rigidus Basically, the most promising conservative therapy for hallux rigidus is rarely used … Operation of a hallux rigidus

Metatarsophalangeal joint arthrosis

Introduction Big toe metatarsophalangeal joint arthrosis is also known as “hallux rigidus” and is a disease of the forefoot. This clinical picture is characterized by arthrosis in the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe, i.e. so-called joint degeneration. After hallux valgus, metatarsophalangeal joint arthrosis is the second most common disease of the foot. It manifests … Metatarsophalangeal joint arthrosis