Hawthorn: Dosage

Hawthorn leaves are offered in the form of tea preparations, also in filter bags or as combination preparations of the group of cardiovascular teas. In herbal medicine, hawthorn preparations continue to occupy a leading place among the most commonly purchased remedies. Hawthorn is available in the form of film-coated tablets, coated tablets, capsules and drops. … Hawthorn: Dosage

Hawthorn: Effect and Side Effects

Hawthorn leaves have multiple effects on the heart and blood vessels. Thus, taking hawthorn preparations leads, among other things, to an increase in cardiac strength (positive inotropy) and an acceleration of the transmission of excitation at the heart by influencing certain channels and receptors at the heart. Furthermore, hawthorn has vasodilatory properties, resulting in an … Hawthorn: Effect and Side Effects


Phytopharmaceuticals – herbal medicinal products. The term phytopharmaceuticals (singular phytopharmacon) is derived from the Greek terms for plant and for drug. In very general terms, then, it refers to herbal medicines. This refers, for example, to dried plant parts, also called medicinal drugs, such as leaves, flowers, barks or roots. These are often prepared as … Phytopharmaceuticals


Classification Amara pura are pure bitter remedies such as gentian, feverfew or centaury. Amara aromatica are aromatic bitter remedies that contain essential oils as ingredients in addition to bitter substances. Effects Bitters cause a reflex stimulation of appetite and digestion and an increase in gastric juice secretion. Indications Bloating, vomiting, nausea. Loss of appetite Indigestion, … Bitters

Low Blood Pressure

Symptoms Low blood pressure does not necessarily cause symptoms and often remains asymptomatic. Possible symptoms include: Pale and cold skin, cold hands and feet, sweating. Visual disturbances: Blackening in front of the eyes, flickering, parts of the visual field fail Concentration disorders Rapid pulse, palpitations Ringing in the ears Dizziness Weakness, fatigue, lack of performance … Low Blood Pressure

Hawthorn: Medicinal Uses

Products Hawthorn is commercially available in the form of film-coated tablets, capsules, as drops, and as a tea, among others (e.g., Zeller Herz, Cardiplant, Sidroga Weissdorn, Vogel Crataegisan). Scientifically well documented are standardized extracts such as WS 1442. Stem plant Hawthorn, of the rose family, is a thorny shrub or small tree native to Europe. … Hawthorn: Medicinal Uses

Household remedy against circulatory problems

Household remedies are a good complementary way to treat circulatory problems. They are usually well tolerated and easy to use. However, one should not rely solely on household remedies and herbal medicines when treating a circulatory disorder. The effects of household remedies are usually not sufficiently proven in studies. Even if many household remedies are … Household remedy against circulatory problems

Hawthorn: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Hawthorn is found almost exclusively in the northern hemisphere of the earth. Its many hundreds of genera grow in the temperate climates of Europe, Asia and North America. Occurrence and cultivation of hawthorn In some German-speaking regions, hawthorn is also called mehldorn or mealberry tree. In Germany, only three species of hawthorn are known. The … Hawthorn: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Horehound: Dosage

Horehound can be taken in the form of homemade teas, ready-made tea preparations with a defined composition did not currently exist on the market. In addition, horehound and extracts from it are available in a few herbal preparations in the form of drops, a cough elixir and a pressed juice. What is the average daily … Horehound: Dosage

Horehound: Effect and Side Effects

Bitter drugs like horehound excite the bitter receptors on the tongue. This leads to an increase in the secretion of saliva and gastric juices, which stimulates appetite and promotes digestion. In addition, the contained marrubiin stimulates bile secretion (choleretic effect), which is also beneficial for digestion. In animal studies, in addition to the bitter effect, … Horehound: Effect and Side Effects

Horehound: Applications and Uses

Horehound herb can be taken for digestive complaints such as bloating and flatulence, as well as for loss of appetite. As a typical bitter drug, the herb stimulates appetite and digestion. Another major field of application of andorn herb is respiratory diseases. Here the plant is used especially for inflamed mucous membranes (catarrh), cough and … Horehound: Applications and Uses


Crataegus laevigata Hawthorn, Hawthorn, the hawthorn comes from the rose family and is also called hawthorn, whitebeam, flourthorn, hawthorn with two handles and hawthorn. General note The hawthorn stands out as a thorny shrub or small tree with tough wood and unpleasantly smelling, white, very beautiful flowers. The leaves of the hawthorn are short stalked … Hawthorn