Headache therapy

Introduction Almost all of us have suffered from headaches at some point. Everyone knows this feeling and knows how debilitating it can be. Mostly it is the most common form, the tension headache. It can manifest itself as a dull pain in the back of the neck that spreads to the back of the head, … Headache therapy

Relaxation techniques for headaches | Headache therapy

Relaxation techniques for headaches A conscious relaxation of the muscles and the psyche can be very helpful for tension headaches. A well-known technique is the progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson, which is based on the conscious tensing and relaxing of certain muscle groups. With this technique, one can again focus attention on the body … Relaxation techniques for headaches | Headache therapy

Avoid triggers | Headache therapy

Avoid triggers Almost more important than short-term therapy is good headache prophylaxis. Therefore it is very important to identify and avoid the triggers. As mentioned above, the tension of the neck and back muscles is often a trigger for tension headaches. This can be avoided by regular endurance sports and additionally by relaxation techniques. A … Avoid triggers | Headache therapy


Chemical name Tramadol hydrochloride Prescription requirement Tramadolor® is a prescription-only drug. Definition Tramadolor® contains the active ingredient tramadol, which has a central pain-relieving function. Tramadol belongs to the large pain-inhibiting group of opioids, which are used for moderate to severe pain. However, Tramadolor® does not only consist of the pain-relieving opioid, but also has an … Tramadolor

Interactions | Tramadolor

Interactions Tramadolor® must not be used in case of known hypersensitivity to the active substance (or other components), or poisoning with psychotropic drugs, sleeping pills, painkillers or alcohol. In addition, the use of antidepressant MAO inhibitors in the last 14 days is a contraindication for taking Tramadolor®. Tramadolor® should only be used under close medical … Interactions | Tramadolor