First aid courses for newborns | Courses after birth

First aid courses for newborns

Both midwives and aid organizations offer special first aid courses for newborns. Serious emergencies with otherwise healthy babies are fortunately very rare, but when they do occur, they are all the more dramatic for everyone involved. Children are not small adults and infants are not small children.

Many things work differently with babies and they have their own specific emergencies. In these courses infant-specific emergencies and measures are discussed and trained. These include: First aid courses for infants are a useful supplement to regularly repeated first aid courses for adults.

Grandparents, babysitters, siblings and other persons dealing with babies should also learn the basic first aid measures for babies and refresh them regularly. The courses can also be attended before the baby is born. Conclusion: Of course, there is not much you can do with the medical knowledge acquired in a one-time first aid course. Nevertheless, the course brings calm to the situation and can be decisive for the child’s life. Further information might also be helpful for you: First aid for babies

  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • Help with swallowing
  • Febrile convulsions
  • Preventive measures for sudden infant death

Special breastfeeding and wrapping courses

Young parents who have their first child begin a completely new and unknown phase of life. Things that have never played a role suddenly become important.Parents learn everyday situations with their babies in nappy-changing courses. This includes changing diapers, bathing, changing clothes and much more.

In the courses the parents meet like-minded people and realize that they are not the only ones who have to learn these seemingly banal things and can exchange ideas with other parents. The courses often start before birth and are meant for both parents. Besides the practical exercises with baby dolls, the young parents learn a lot about breastfeeding and feeding, sleeping positions, the development of the child and preventive health measures.

Conclusion: The courses are highly recommended to first-time parents, as many fears can be taken away and parents can look forward more to the positive sides of their new task. With further children the course is often no longer useful, since most of the actions are already mastered and individual questions can also be answered by the pediatrician or midwife. Interesting information on this topic can also be found under Behavior during breastfeeding.