Negative influencing factors for life expectancy in case of heart failure | Life expectancy with heart failure

Negative influencing factors for life expectancy in case of heart failure Among the factors that have a negative influence on a cardiac insufficiency are above all overweight, but also severe underweight weakens the heart permanently. A balanced, rich diet is an integral part of the basic therapy. Food such as meat (especially red meat and … Negative influencing factors for life expectancy in case of heart failure | Life expectancy with heart failure

Life expectancy at stage 2 | Life expectancy with heart failure

Life expectancy at stage 2 Stage 2 heart failure is characterized by symptoms under moderate stress. Breathlessness and exhaustion occur, for example, when climbing stairs after 2 floors. No symptoms are present at rest and under light exertion. During this time most patients come to the doctor as they feel restricted in their performance. Structural … Life expectancy at stage 2 | Life expectancy with heart failure

Lung Transplantation | Organ Transplantation

Lung Transplantation In a lung transplantation, only one or more lung lobes, a whole lung or both lobes can be used. The choice between the different options is made individually depending on the previous disease. The following diseases most frequently require lung transplantation in the final stage: therapy-resistant sarcoidosis, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), pulmonary … Lung Transplantation | Organ Transplantation

Organ Transplantation

Introduction In organ transplantation, a diseased organ of a patient is replaced by the same organ from a donor. This organ donor is usually recently deceased and has agreed to the removal of his organs if his death can be proven beyond doubt. Living people can also be considered as donors if a special relationship … Organ Transplantation

Bone Marrow Donation | Organ Transplantation

Bone Marrow Donation Bone marrow donation plays an important role in the therapy of malignant tumor diseases affecting the hematopoietic system. Examples of such diseases are: acute leukemias, chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), Hodgkin’s lymphoma or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, but also aplastic anemia and thalassemia, which are not tumor diseases. The bone marrow contains stem cells that … Bone Marrow Donation | Organ Transplantation

Rejection reaction

Introduction If our body’s own immune system recognizes foreign cells, it activates various mechanisms to protect against the mostly undesired invaders. Such a reaction is intentional if pathogens such as bacteria, viruses or fungi are involved. However, a rejection reaction is not desired in the case of organ transplantation. In the worst case, the foreign … Rejection reaction

Forecast | Rejection reaction

Forecast The prognosis after organ transplantation promises a higher life expectancy than if the original, more and more functionless organ is left in place. About 60% of heart transplant patients live with the donor organ for more than ten years. Lung transplant patients also benefit from a higher life expectancy of several years. They often … Forecast | Rejection reaction

Rejection after kidney transplantation | Rejection reaction

Rejection after kidney transplantation The acute rejection reaction after kidney transplantation is accompanied by typical symptoms that indicate a deterioration in kidney function and the activity of the body’s immune system. These include exhaustion, an increase in body temperature to over 37.5°C for several hours, loss of appetite, reduced urination and edema formation (water retention … Rejection after kidney transplantation | Rejection reaction

Rejection reaction after stem cell transplantation | Rejection reaction

Rejection reaction after stem cell transplantation The most common complications after stem cell transplantation include infections caused by the immunosuppressive drugs and so-called graft-versus-host disease, in which immune cells of the donor are directed against the cells of the recipient. There is an increased risk, especially in the first year, especially in the first six … Rejection reaction after stem cell transplantation | Rejection reaction