These drugs help with allergies

Introduction For the medicinal therapy of allergies, various active ingredients are used to suppress different components of the allergic reaction. One of these is the antihistamines. They are intended to prevent the release of the messenger substance histamine, which plays an important role in the reaction of the immune system. Allergies can also be treated … These drugs help with allergies

Beta-2 sympathomimetics | These drugs help with allergies

Beta-2 sympathomimetics Our vegetative nervous system, i.e. the nervous system that primarily influences internal body functions, is divided into two subclasses. One is the parasympathetic nervous system, which plays an important role in digestion and shuts down many other bodily functions such as the cardiovascular system. The sympathetic nervous system, on the other hand, has … Beta-2 sympathomimetics | These drugs help with allergies

Home remedies against allergies | These drugs help with allergies

Home remedies against allergies Household remedies play a role in the therapy of allergies, especially when annoying symptoms are to be alleviated. They do not represent a causal treatment. However, complaints such as itching skin, burning or watery eyes and a runny nose can usually be treated very well with household remedies. It is not … Home remedies against allergies | These drugs help with allergies

What does a vasectomy cost?

Introduction Many men decide to have a vasectomy after completing family planning. This is a relatively inexpensive and safe contraceptive method, which must be paid for by the patient. In an outpatient operation, the spermatic ducts, through which sperm are normally conducted into the penis, are cut. Vasectomy, also called sterilization, is a standard urological … What does a vasectomy cost?

What is the cost of a vasectomy reversal? | What does a vasectomy cost?

What is the cost of a vasectomy reversal? Reversal of vasectomy, also called vasovasostemia, is a complicated procedure, as the vas deferens must be reconnected by microsurgery. The costs are between 2000 and 5000€ and these have to be paid completely by the patient. This is an IGEL service. There is also no guarantee of … What is the cost of a vasectomy reversal? | What does a vasectomy cost?