Burning in the stomach during pregnancy | Burning in the belly

Burning in the stomach during pregnancy

Almost every woman encounters abdominal pain during pregnancy in varying degrees. Very often these discomforts, such as burning or stinging, are harmless and do not pose a danger to the unborn child. They are merely an expression of the growing demands on the mother’s body and disappear again completely by themselves after some time.

Many expectant mothers also develop a fine feeling and often know quickly “if something is wrong”. However, if you experience a long-lasting burning sensation in your stomach or if the symptoms become more severe, you should still consult a gynaecologist for clarification. Vaginal bleeding, fever and abdominal cramps, as well as severe headaches, impaired vision or diarrhoea can be further alarming signs.

Burning in the abdomen after a Caesarean section is normal in many cases and occurs as part of normal wound healing. Even if the incision is relatively small, many tissue layers must heal at rest. Superficial wound pain in particular can often manifest itself as an unpleasant burning sensation.

For example, haematomas (“bruises”) around the surgical scar after a caesarean section occur relatively often. However, if the burning sensation is accompanied by fever or bleeding, the symptoms should definitely be investigated. In rare cases, infections or bleeding can be hidden behind them.