Multiple sclerosis and pregnancy | Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis and pregnancy In terms of gender, multiple sclerosis affects women more often than men. This raises the question of whether pregnancy is also possible without complaints in cases of diagnosed multiple sclerosis. As already mentioned, the multiple Sklerose is not inherited to the child.Only the predisposition would be present, but it is not … Multiple sclerosis and pregnancy | Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Cause of multiple sclerosis | Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Cause of multiple sclerosis Until today the cause of multiple sclerosis has not been thoroughly researched, only theories can be put forward. Relevant in the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis are the so-called myelin sheaths. Like fatty tubes, these sheath the nerves in sections. The function of the myelin sheaths is to accelerate the transmission of … Cause of multiple sclerosis | Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Course of multiple sclerosis | Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Course of multiple sclerosis Depending on the patient, the course of multiple sclerosis can vary and can be more severe in some cases and milder in others. In the relapsing-remitting form (the most common form of multiple sclerosis), the symptoms decrease completely after the relapses. This is the most favorable course for the patient, as … Course of multiple sclerosis | Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Meulengracht disease

Synonyms Meulengracht disease Gilbert-Meulengracht disease Gilbert syndrome Definition – What is Meulengracht’s disease? Meulengracht’s disease (Gilbert-Meulengracht’s disease, Gilbert syndrome) is a harmless disease caused by a congenital metabolic disorder of the liver. The disease is inherited from parents to children. Due to a gene mutation, bilirubin, the breakdown product of the red blood cells, is … Meulengracht disease

What can be the accompanying symptoms of Meulengracht’s disease? | Meulengracht disease

What can be the accompanying symptoms of Meulengracht’s disease? Meulengracht’s disease is a relatively harmless disease that rarely manifests itself through symptoms. Patients may suffer from abdominal pain, which is mainly perceived as an unpleasant feeling of pressure in the right upper abdomen. In addition, indigestion, nausea and flatulence may occur. Other symptoms are depressive … What can be the accompanying symptoms of Meulengracht’s disease? | Meulengracht disease

Treatment and therapy | Meulengracht disease

Treatment and therapy Meulengracht’s disease cannot be cured in principle, as the metabolic disorder is genetically inherited and congenital. In most cases, those affected manage well even without treatment and do not require therapy. In severe cases, the symptoms and gastrointestinal complaints can be treated with medication, although the side effects of the prescribed medication … Treatment and therapy | Meulengracht disease

Which drugs are involved in metabolization? | Meulengracht disease

Which drugs are involved in metabolization? In Meulengracht’s disease, the function of UDP-glucuronyltransferase is limited. Since the enzyme is important for the excretion of bilirubin as well as for the breakdown of other drugs, the disease can alter the effect of drugs and lead to undesired interactions. The drugs that are broken down by UDP-glucuronyltransferase … Which drugs are involved in metabolization? | Meulengracht disease

What effect does sport have on my disease and what kind of sport can I do? | Meulengracht disease

What effect does sport have on my disease and what kind of sport can I do? In general, people with Meulengracht’s disease are not physically impaired in any way and can practice any sport that suits them. Unfortunately, sport and physical activity do not contribute to a decrease in blood bilirubin levels. However, regular exercise … What effect does sport have on my disease and what kind of sport can I do? | Meulengracht disease

Genetic diseases

Definition A genetic disease or hereditary disease is a disease whose cause lies in one or more genes of the affected person. In this case, the DNA acts as a direct trigger for the disease. For most genetic diseases, the triggering gene locations are known. If a genetic disease is suspected, the respective diagnosis can … Genetic diseases

How hereditary diseases are inherited | Genetic diseases

How hereditary diseases are inherited Every hereditary disease is inherited either monogenetically or polygenetically: this means that there is one or more gene locus that must be altered in order to cause a disease. Furthermore, genetic traits can always be inherited dominantly or recessively: Recessive means that there must be a predisposition for this particular … How hereditary diseases are inherited | Genetic diseases