Strengthen connective tissue for firm breasts | Strengthening of the connective tissue

Strengthen connective tissue for firm breasts

Weak connective tissue of the breast is an important issue especially for women. Since female breasts do not contain any muscles, but rather consist of connective tissue, fat and glands, a targeted muscle build-up in this area, unlike in men, can rarely achieve a satisfactory improvement in connective tissue stability. Many women fear that pregnancy, breastfeeding and other factors could influence the connective tissue and cause the external appearance of a “sagging breast”.

Studies from the United States have shown that the fear that breastfeeding has a negative effect on the connective tissue in the breast area cannot be sustained. Instead, the genetically inherited size of the breast, as well as external factors such as individual diet and cigarette consumption, have a proven influence on the condition of the skin and connective tissue. The onset of menopause also has an effect on the connective tissue of the female breast. During this time, the glandular tissue within the breast recedes, which is why they become smaller and the connective tissue loses its firmness.


It is believed that nutrition has a major effect on connective tissue and the general health status of the skin. Apart from the fact that nutrition can effectively help to reduce one’s own weight and thus have a positive influence on the appearance of weak connective tissue, certain food components are said to have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and connective tissue. Thus, a sufficient amount of vitamins, especially vitamin C, is an important component for firmer tissue.

However, a normal, balanced diet should normally contain sufficient vitamin C. It should be noted that an overdose of vitamin C has no positive effect on the body and may even cause the formation of kidney stones. Regular eating of citrus fruits provides the body with sufficient amounts of vitamin C. It is more important to avoid certain food components in order not to put additional strain on the connective tissue. Thus, a low-fat and generally healthy diet is essential for firmer tissue, as less fat is accumulated, which could then be perceived as unaesthetic due to the genetically determined weakness of the connective tissue.

Since the connective tissue can also store water, it appears firmer if you drink enough, which should be around 1.5 to 2 litres without excessive physical strain or high temperatures. Apart from the positive effect on the connective tissue, a sufficient drinking quantity is recommended for health reasons. A healthy diet plays an important role in the case of a weakness of the connective tissue.

As a matter of principle, very high-fat meals should be avoided. It is also important to drink enough water and to refrain from nicotine consumption. A lot of fruit and vegetables should be eaten, as the vitamin C they contain is important for building up connective tissue.

These include above all broccoli or berries. In addition to vitamin C, they also contain many trace elements that promote the blood circulation in the tissue. Oat flakes and nuts also help to strengthen the connective tissue.

Nuts contain many healthy fatty acids and are a good alternative to fatty meals with unhealthy fatty acids. However, if you would rather lose weight, you should eat nuts in moderation. Salmon is also good to eat when there is a weakness in the connective tissue, as it contains many proteins that are needed for cell renewal.