
Effect Nitroimidazoles are antibacterial (bactericidal) and antiparasitic. They are reduced under anaerobic conditions to cytotoxic metabolites that covalently bind to and damage DNA. The damage may take the form of loss of helical structure, impaired matrix function, or strand breaks, leading to inhibition of DNA synthesis. Indications Spectrum: gram-positive and gram-negative anaerobic bacteria and some … Nitroimidazole

Metronidazole and other nitromidazoles

Main representative The main representative of nitromidazoles is metromidazole. Classification This substance belongs to the group of nitroimidazoles. Besides metronidazole, the drugs tinidazole and nimorazole belong to this rather small group of substances. Metronidazole is also known under the trade name ClontR. It is a standard and collaborative drug in the treatment of anaerobic infections. … Metronidazole and other nitromidazoles

Interactions | Metronidazole and other nitromidazoles

Interactions As mentioned above, metronidazole should not be combined with alcohol due to intolerance development. If the drugs barbiturates and phenytoin are administered at the same time, a faster degradation of metronidazole and a resulting reduction in the effect must be expected due to an enzyme acceleration. If blood thinners (anticoagulants) are combined with metronidazole, … Interactions | Metronidazole and other nitromidazoles

Causes | Duodenal ulcer

Causes In the development of duodenal ulcers, the balance between protective and aggressive factors in the intestinal mucosa plays a role. In a healthy body, the aggressive stomach acid that flows from the stomach into the duodenum is neutralized by a protective layer of mucus on the intestinal mucosa. If this balance is destroyed, i.e. … Causes | Duodenal ulcer

Can a duodenal ulcer become malignant? | Duodenal ulcer

Can a duodenal ulcer become malignant? A malignant (malignant) degeneration rarely occurs in duodenal ulcers. Malignant degeneration occurs in about 1-2% of patients with peptic ulcer, and in duodenal ulcer degeneration is much rarer. In chronic cases, degeneration is generally more probable, which is why an endoscopic examination should be performed at least every two … Can a duodenal ulcer become malignant? | Duodenal ulcer

Diagnosis | Duodenal ulcer

Diagnosis The diagnosis of duodenal ulcer consists of several steps. First of all, a detailed patient interview (anamnesis) is made with subsequent examination of the patient. A rectal examination by palpation is seldom carried out during which non-visible – so-called occult – blood in the stool can be detected. A reliable diagnosis is made by … Diagnosis | Duodenal ulcer

Duodenal ulcer

Definition The duodenal ulcer (Ulcus duodeni) is an inflammatory wound of the intestinal mucosa in the area of the duodenum. The duodenum is the first section of the small intestine following the stomach. The ulcer, i.e. the wound, extends beyond the muscle layer of the mucous membrane of the small intestine (lamina muscularis mucosae). Dangerous … Duodenal ulcer

Chronic gastritis

Introduction In general it can be said that an existing discrepancy between factors that damage the mucous membrane (e.g. gastric acid) and those that protect it (mucous layer) can lead to chronic gastritis. Types of gastritis Basically there are 3 different types of chronic gastritis: Type A Gastritis Type B Gastritis Type C Gastritis The … Chronic gastritis

Therapy chronic gastritis | Chronic gastritis

Therapy chronic gastritis As a general therapy for inflammation of the stomach lining, care should be taken to avoid substances that irritate the stomach, such as coffee, alcohol, nicotine and spicy foods. Type A – gastritis: In autoimmune gastritis, the cause of the inflammation is not treated, but only the symptoms and complications. It is … Therapy chronic gastritis | Chronic gastritis

Helicobacter pylori

Summary Helicobacter pylori is a gram-negative rod bacterium. There are more than 300 different strains, which are distributed worldwide, are regionally and familially abundant, and their genetic information sometimes varies considerably. What they all have in common is a whole range of different adaptation mechanisms that enable it to survive in its main reservoir, the … Helicobacter pylori