What effect does the viral load have on the risk of infection? | Hepatitis C Virus

What effect does the viral load have on the risk of infection? In contrast to liver cell damage, HCV viral load correlates with infectivity or risk of infection. This means that the higher the viral load in the blood, the higher the probability of the virus being transmitted to the environment. Conversely, the risk of … What effect does the viral load have on the risk of infection? | Hepatitis C Virus

Viruses: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

Viruses are responsible for many infections as pathogens. Unlike bacteria, however, viruses behave absolutely immune to antibiotics. Vaccinations against some viral infections exist, but not against all viruses. What are viruses? Viruses are infectious structures that spread outside cells by transmission, but can only replicate within a suitable host cell. Pictured are red blood cells … Viruses: Infection, Transmission & Diseases


Definition Twinrix® is a vaccine against the two infectious diseases Hepatitis A and B. Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that can be caused by various viruses. Hepatitis A is a form that is particularly prevalent in subtropical and tropical regions, but nevertheless also accounts for around a quarter of all liver inflammation in … Twinrix

Costs | Twinrix

Costs The price of the respective vaccination dose of Twinrix® varies from about 60 to 80 Euros, depending on the manufacturer. Thus, a complete immunization with three vaccinations costs about 180 to 240 Euros. Not every insurance company will cover the costs of Twinrix®, so please always check with your health insurance company before you … Costs | Twinrix