Genital herpes

General information Herpes genitalis is mostly caused by the virus subgroup HSV 2, which belongs to the herpes simplex viruses. In 50-70% of cases, this virus group is the triggering virus group. Herpes genitalis is one of the venereal diseases. Nowadays this disease is one of the most frequently transmitted venereal diseases in Germany. Transmission … Genital herpes

Therapy | Genital herpes

Therapy While with other herpes infections it is usually possible to wait, especially if the course of the infection is harmless, once a genital herpes infection has been diagnosed, therapy should be started immediately to prevent serious consequences and to contain further spread as quickly as possible. The drug Aciclovir is used in the therapy. … Therapy | Genital herpes

Symptoms of eye herpes

Synonyms Herpes simplex corneae, herpes simplex keratitis, herpetic keratitisThe herpes on the eye is called herpes corneae in the technical language. This is usually understood to be an infection of the eye with the herpes simplex virus type 1 or type 2. The herpes simplex virus in general migrates retrogradely (regressing) after first contact along … Symptoms of eye herpes