Treatment of iron deficiency during pregnancy | Iron deficiency during pregnancy

Treatment of iron deficiency during pregnancy

Whether an iron deficiency is treated during pregnancy must always be decided individually. A benefit-risk analysis must be carried out. This serves to be able to estimate whether a therapy with iron preparations brings a sufficient use, in order to outweigh possible risks.

Particularly in the first trimester, one must be very careful with the substitution of iron. The therapy is either oral, for example by taking iron tablets, or parenteral. In this therapy, the iron can be administered through the vein, for example.

It is helpful to combine iron preparations with foods containing vitamin C, as this increases the absorption of the iron in the intestine. In addition, care should be taken not to consume any caffeine-containing drinks or tea from one hour before to one hour after taking an iron preparation, as these can reduce the absorption. Since only ten percent of the iron taken is absorbed through the intestines anyway, ten times as much iron must always be taken as the body needs.

After iron deficiency treatments, blood tests should always be repeated. This can determine whether the therapy was successful or sufficient.

  • The most common method suitable for this purpose are tablets that can be taken daily.

    This is an uncomplicated and quick way to cover the additional iron requirements during pregnancy and thus prevent undersupply of mother and child. Many doctors prescribe the tablets in case of an iron deficiency to replenish the stores quickly and effectively. It is especially important not to take iron tablets together with coffee, tea or milk, as this can hinder the absorption of iron.

  • Drinking juices, which are usually on vegetable basis and with iron mixed, offer a further possibility.

    They are usually in lower doses, which can make it necessary to take them several times a day, depending on the extent of the iron deficiency. These are an alternative if patients cannot take tablets or the tolerance of iron tablets is not guaranteed. Drinking juices of this type are often combined with substances that improve the absorption of iron in the body.

  • A change in diet can also be attempted before a targeted therapy.

    This can be essential, especially for women who are vegetarian or vegan. Not only should the iron be taken into account, but it should also be ensured that they do not show further deficiencies. However, since the iron requirement during pregnancy doubles from 15mg a day to 30mg, women with a normal diet can also benefit from targeted nutritional advice.

    For example, meat, some fruits and vegetables, nuts or soya contain iron.

  • If it is not possible to take the tablets, the iron can also be administered via an infusion into the mother’s blood. Here the concentration of the iron must always be carefully controlled.
  • If the iron deficiency is so severe that the hemoglobin value has fallen below 6g/dL blood, a blood transfusion is necessary. This is important because the body needs the blood components faster than it could produce them on its own after the administration of iron.
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Kräuterblut® is also sold under the name Floradix.

It offers itself as a therapy during pregnancy, since it contains iron as well as other ingredients that are needed during pregnancy. The name Kräuterblut® is based on the herbal ingredients which are also contained in the preparation. Kräuterblut® is a preparation that is used for the prophylaxis of iron deficiency.

It is a liquid containing iron in dissolved form and various herbs. The sole use of iron tablets often brings side effects such as stomach pain. The herbs contained in the herbal blood are said to have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and prevent these side effects so that the iron is better tolerated.

Iron tablets containing divalent iron are marketed under the name Ferro Sanol®. They are among the most common medicines for iron deficiency. The tablets are best taken on an empty stomach, as this is when they can have the best effect.

The iron is then absorbed in the small intestine.On the way there, the tablets must first pass through the stomach. However, the iron can irritate the stomach lining and cause stomach pain. To prevent this and to ensure better tolerance, iron in Ferro sanol® is coated with a substance that only dissolves after passing through the stomach.

In this way, the iron can be easily absorbed without causing severe side effects on the stomach. In addition, the tablets stain the stool black, which is not dangerous. If the gastrointestinal complaints are too pronounced, the tablets can also be taken with a meal.

Floradix® is also known as herbal blood. It is available without a prescription in pharmacies or health food stores. Beside iron contained make preparations of the company also Folsäure or Vitamin B12.

Floradix® can be taken during pregnancy if the increased iron requirement cannot be covered by diet alone. However, a doctor should be consulted before taking Floradix® and any other iron preparations, as an excessive iron intake can have possible risks for the child. As with iron tablets, gastrointestinal problems can occur when taking iron tablets and the stool also turns black.