Swollen wrists | Swollen hands

Swollen wrists Swelling, which occurs due to water retention, is first noticeable on the wrists. In the area of the wrists and forearms, the tissue is more pliable, which is why chronic venous weakness and oedema occur particularly in this area. As a rule, the swelling on the wrist is not painful. Due to the … Swollen wrists | Swollen hands


Whether trekking, hiking or Nordic walking – exercise on foot in the great outdoors is “trendy”. For good reason: hiking of any kind has been proven to provide optimal physical, mental and spiritual fitness. As a child, we moved a lot, but going for a walk or even hiking with our parents usually didn’t generate … Hiking

Hiking: Preparation

The good thing about hiking is that you don’t have to take lessons to learn it. And you don’t need any special sports equipment to start doing it. Still, there are a few things you should keep in mind so that nothing spoils the joy of hiking. A good preparation is part of the hiking … Hiking: Preparation