Hip Impingement Syndrome: Definition, Therapy

Brief overview Symptoms: Motion-dependent groin pain, pain after prolonged sitting, limited mobility. Causes: Malformations of the head of the femur and/or the acetabulum that abut in places. Treatment: In mild cases, conservative therapy, but usually surgery Forms: Depending on the involvement of the acetabulum or head, a distinction is made between pincer and cam impingement; … Hip Impingement Syndrome: Definition, Therapy

MTT after hip impingement surgery

The surgical procedure takes its toll on the surrounding tissue of the hip joint. Due to the initially reduced quality and extent of movement, the responsible muscles of the hip joint regress. In order to prevent the joint from stiffening, to rebuild the musculature and to make the joint fit for everyday use, the hip … MTT after hip impingement surgery

Summary | Physiotherapy for hip impingement syndrome

Summary In hip impingement, there is a tightness between the femoral head and the socket. The cartilage and the capsule can be injured by entrapment and the development of arthrosis is promoted. Therefore, surgery is often indicated in which the joint mechanics are restored arthroscopically. Mobilizing physiotherapy is combined with strengthening exercises for the hip … Summary | Physiotherapy for hip impingement syndrome

Physiotherapy for a hip impingement

The anatomy of the bones is slightly altered, so that the joint partners do not slide optimally into each other, but bump into each other when moving. There are two different forms of hip impingement: pincer impingement and cam impingement. Pincer impingement is a malformation of the acetabulum on the pelvic bone. The hollow hemisphere … Physiotherapy for a hip impingement