Shock: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Shock is a health-threatening process in the human body. This is capable of being life-threatening and can occur in various forms. The basis is the undersupply of the organism with oxygen due to differentiated causes.

What is shock?

Shock is a health-threatening process in the human body. Shock causes the circulation of blood in small vessels to stop working properly. Instead, it is reduced. However, red blood cells are responsible for bringing oxygen to the cells. If there is an insufficient supply, the tissues can no longer work properly. An undersupply is followed by metabolic disorders. Accordingly, rapid action is required when a shock occurs. Affected persons should be given medical shelter within a short time window. Causes include, for example, bacterial infections, shock and anxiety, allergic reactions or severe blood loss. Shock is manifested by pale, cool skin, cold sweat, accelerated breathing, freezing and mental manifestations such as anxiety, restlessness and confusion. These can also lead to unclear expressions of the person. As the oxygen deficiency progresses, the symptoms usually become more distinct. As it progresses, affected individuals may lose consciousness.

Function and task

The manifestations of the different types of shock are based on the underlying cause. However, all types of shock share some common symptoms. These include, for example, a drop in blood pressure, which is responsible for the release of epinephrine. Adrenaline, in turn, leads to an increase in heart rate and constriction of arterioles. In this way, the body is able to keep blood pressure stable for the time being. The body ensures that the blood supplies more blood to the brain and heart, so regulation by redistribution takes place. If the undersupply of oxygen continues, the number of acid metabolites increases. In this way, there is an increase in volume deficiency because the tissues lose fluid. Blood pressure continues to decrease, arterial blood vessels lose tension. Blood backs up in the arteries, and blood clots can form. These are also known as microthrombi. If they break loose from the blood vessels, they are able to clog other arteries and prevent the supply of oxygen. In this way, shock can cause multi-organ failure. The kidney stops working, preventing the production of urine, the reduced blood supply to the heart leads to heart failure, emboli can be found in the lungs, and the development of pulmonary edema cannot be ruled out. Multi-organ failure is often fatal. However, different forms of shock exist. These include hypovolemic, for example. This occurs due to a high blood loss, as occurs with severe injuries. In the different stages, the blood pressure continues to drop. Cardiogenic shock is caused by heart failure. Heart attacks or inflammation of the heart muscle are possible. Anaphylactic shock occurs based on a very strong allergic reaction, such as from a wasp sting. While the blood pressure drops, the heart rate increases, and respiratory and circulatory arrest may occur. Inflammation may be the basis of septic shock. The inflammation is carried on through the bloodstream, and blood poisoning develops. If the inflammation has not been treated over a long period of time, it can affect the entire organism.

Diseases and ailments

Depending on the type of shock, various complications may occur. These include a blood clot. If the thrombus detaches from its original position and travels through the organism, it can block various vessels. A pulmonary embolism often results. An embolism has similarities with a heart attack. Here, however, the veins are affected. Nevertheless, an embolism is a life-threatening condition. If patients are not treated immediately, the disease often leads to death. If, on the other hand, the symptoms can be treated successfully, further therapy is still necessary for the rest of the patient’s life.This includes, for example, wearing compression stockings. This is to prevent the development of a new thrombosis. As the shock progresses, the undersupply of blood also affects the heart. It no longer receives sufficient oxygen and stops functioning. The reduced pumping capacity in turn ensures that less blood is pumped through the body. Heart failure can initially affect only one side of the heart or both. As a rule, however, bilateral heart failure is less likely to be diagnosed. Treatment is based on several factors. However, in the case of multi-organ failure, which also affects the heart, treatment approaches may no longer be sufficient. Shock may also be responsible for pulmonary edema. This is the accumulation of water in the lungs. Symptoms such as coughing and restlessness, but also shortness of breath and rattling breath occur. The lack of oxygen can cause cyanosis, which causes the lips and mucous membranes to turn bluish. Pulmonary edema can lead to lung failure. In the final stage of pulmonary insufficiency, both blood flow to the organ and the transfer of oxygen to the blood are impaired. Acute respiratory failure is one of the most common causes of death resulting from shock.