Angiology: Treatment, Effects & Risks

The medical specialty of angiology is dedicated to diseases of the blood and lymph vessels. Circulatory disorders are a particular focus. What is angiology? Angiologists are most often confronted with the consequences of arteriosclerosis in daily practice. Deposits in blood vessels lead to narrowed areas in this common disease. Angiology is the medical specialty that … Angiology: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Possible Applications of Endoscopy

Endoscopy is the generic term for all the medical procedures that end in “-skopie” and whose designation is derived in each case from the mirrored area, e.g. gastroscopy (mirroring of the stomach), rectoscopy and colonoscopy (rectum and colon), laparoscopy (abdomen), bronchoscopy (respiratory tract), urethroscopy and cystoscopy (ureter and urinary bladder), arthroscopy (joint). What they all … Possible Applications of Endoscopy

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Oral and maxillofacial surgery, also known as cranio-maxillo-facial surgery or MKG for short, aims to heal injuries, malformations and diseases of the face and mouth, usually by means of surgical procedures. This ranges from minor maxillofacial procedures that can be performed on an outpatient basis, to closing cleft palates, to major, highly invasive procedures, such … Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Implacement: Therapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Implacement therapy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure indicated for stress incontinence. Here, a substance is injected into the area of the urethra to correct urinary behavior by intentionally narrowing the tube. What is impaction therapy? A procedure called implacement therapy is a minimally invasive procedure for the surgical treatment of incontinence. So-called implacement therapy … Implacement: Therapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Internal Medicine: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Internal medicine is a specialty of medicine that deals with the internal organs, their functions and possible diseases. A specialist in internal medicine is called an internist and practices diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of ailments. If possible, prevention, to prevent certain clinical pictures from developing in the first place, also falls within his scope. What … Internal Medicine: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Traumatology: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Traumatology (accident medicine) is the science of wounds or injuries and their treatment. What is traumatology? Traumatology (accident medicine) is the science of wounds or injuries and their therapy. Traumatology deals with the treatment of minor and major injuries but also with the treatment of polytrauma. This refers to the occurrence of multiple injuries to … Traumatology: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Acupuncture: Course of Treatment

During an acupuncture treatment, the patient is treated with thin special needles that are inserted into the skin at specific points. These acupuncture points are located along certain lines, called meridians (pathways), which allow them to be associated with specific organs. The selection of the points and the type of needles (their size and weight) … Acupuncture: Course of Treatment

Acupuncture: History of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is considered one of the most important forms of therapy in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and looks back on a tradition that goes back thousands of years. This alternative healing method is also becoming increasingly popular in Western countries, especially in the treatment of mild to moderate chronic pain. What is acupuncture? The acupuncturist … Acupuncture: History of Acupuncture

Acupuncture: Effectiveness

In principle, the idea of meridians initially reminds us of the nerve pathways familiar to Western orthodox physicians, which run through the entire body. Although a specific stimulation of such nerve pathways by needle stimulation could, for example, influence a sensation of pain, an assignment of the meridians to the familiar nerve pathways, however, cannot … Acupuncture: Effectiveness

Basketball in Profile

Basketball – the sport originating from the USA is preceded by many prejudices: it is an injury-prone sport and anyway only something for two-meter giants. Women have no place in basketball, and if they do, then only big, muscular men. The sport of basketball is often associated with the ghetto, rap music and gangsterism. Yet … Basketball in Profile

Digestive Enzyme: Function & Diseases

Digestive enzymes are enzymes responsible for breaking down food. They process long-chain molecules into short-chain molecules so that they can be utilized by the metabolism. Most digestive enzymes are produced in the pancreas. What is a digestive enzyme? Enzymes act as biocatalysts in the human body. This means that they can initiate and accelerate chemical … Digestive Enzyme: Function & Diseases