Pimples: Causes, Treatment & Help

Pimples are often a symptom of pubertal diseases, such as acne or hormonal disorders. However, in addition to the well-known pimples, blackheads, pustules and papules differ significantly. Pimples are more common in males and can lead to scarring if left untreated. Therefore, in case of severe pimple infestation or acne, a dermatologist should always be … Pimples: Causes, Treatment & Help

Blackheads: Causes, Treatment & Help

Blackheads or comedones are blockages caused by keratinization of sebaceous follicles. Blackheads are mostly located on the nose or nostrils and are often clearly visible by their dark, pigment-like shape and color. What are blackheads? Blackheads are particularly common during puberty in adolescents, but can also occur in a weakened form throughout life again and … Blackheads: Causes, Treatment & Help

Acne: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

One of the most common skin diseases is acne. Especially during puberty, this form of severe pimple formation occurs and usually disappears again by itself from the age of 20. What is acne? Especially during puberty, acne, pimples and blackheads occur more frequently. However, some people also suffer from this skin disease later. Every teenager … Acne: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Home Remedies for Pimples

Pimples on the face or generally impure skin disturb the external appearance of a person enormously. Especially teenagers are often plagued by acne and pimples. With some home remedies and a little discipline in the application, however, almost everyone can achieve a clean skin. What helps against pimples and acne? Chamomile or tea tree oil … Home Remedies for Pimples