
Other term not known Application of Pyrogenium for the following diseases in homeopathy Feverish, purulent, decomposing process Severe fluand Pneumonia Non-healing ulcers Typhoid and paratyphoid Acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract with vomiting Severe diarrheaand Tendency to circulatory collapse Use of Pyrogenium for the following symptoms Active Organs Gastrointestinal Canal Liver and Gall Bladder Immune … Pyrogenium

Nux vomica

Other term Nux vomica Use of nux vomica for the following symptoms Morning nausea and tendency to vomit Improvement through rest. Aggravation by irritants, eating and early morning. Temperamental hot-tempered Opposition is not tolerated Accustomed to abuse of irritants (tobacco, alcohol) Dullness and confusion in the head and above the eyes, especially in the morning … Nux vomica

Potassium bromatum

Other term Potassium bromite Introduction The active principle of Schüssler salts or potassium bromatum is to compensate for the deficiency of certain substances caused by certain factors such as behavior or character traits. In contrast to the homeopathic principle of “treating the same thing with the same thing”, the missing salt should be added to … Potassium bromatum

Sulphur stibiatum aurantiacum

Other term Gold Sulphur Application of Sulfur stibiatum aurantiacum for the following diseases in homeopathy In bronchitis with stuck mucus and tormenting cough Use of Sulfur stibiatum aurantiacum for the following symptoms Proven expectorant Active Organs Liver Pancreas Usual dosage Commonly used: Tablets D3, D4, D6, D12

Iodine and its use in medicine

Application of iodine in the following diseases in homeopathy Severe hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) Goiter Basedowherz Vascular Calcification Inflammation of the upper airways Asthma Pneumonia Pleurisy Gastric mucosa inflammation Stomach and duodenal ulcers Rheumatic and tuberculous joint and bone processes Tendinitis Acne Boils Dysfunction of glandular organs especially thyroid, lymph glands, testicles, ovaries, mammary glands Severe emaciation … Iodine and its use in medicine

Potassium chloratum

Other term Potassium Chloride Application of potassium chloratum for the following diseases in homeopathy Throat catarrh Otitis media Bronchitis Chronic swelling of the lymph glands Conjunctivitis Application of potassium chloratum for the following symptoms In pneumonia, potassium chloratum promotes the absorption of inflammatory fluid into the cells. Generally white-gray secretions White-grey coating at the root … Potassium chloratum

Secale cornutum

Other term ergot Application of Secale cornutum for the following diseases in homeopathy Migraine with violent vomiting Paralysis and ants on arms and legs Vascular constrictions and vascular spasms in the fingers (Raynaud’s disease) Due to the plant or due to vessel calcificationand High blood pressure caused by constriction Circulatory disorders in the brain and … Secale cornutum

Paeonia officinalis

Other term Peony Application of Paenoia officinalis for the following diseases in homeopathy Dry, tough bronchitis Asthma Painful diarrhea Hemorrhoids with painful tears Use of Paenoia officinalis for the following symptoms Breast Stitches Nausea Vomiting Burning and itching of the anus Abdominal cramps at the teething age of children Headaches Depressed mood Nightmares Active Organs … Paeonia officinalis

Viscum album

Other term Mistletoe Use of Viscum album for the following diseases High blood pressure due to vasoconstriction (arteriosclerosis) or By predisposition (essential) Palpitations Heart pressure Irregular heartbeat General arteriosclerosis Dizzy spells Headacheand Poor sleep Exacerbation: Improvement: Bronchial asthma with a lot of mucus rattling in the bronchi Shortness of breath and cramps of the larynx … Viscum album


Other term Beech wood tar creosote Use of creosote in the following homeopathic diseases Loss of appetite Bronchitis Pulmonary tuberculosis Consequences of diabetes such as itching, deterioration of vision, poorly healing ulcers and circulatory problems Vomiting during pregnancy (in case of kidney function weakness or caused by pathological processes in the brain) Severe emaciation due … Creosote

Magnesium phosphoricum

Other term Magnesium hydrogen phosphate Introduction The seventh Schüssler salt Magnesium phosphoricum consists, as the name suggests, of magnesium and phosphorus. If one considers the effect of these two individual components in the body, the effect of the seventh salt can be deduced quite accurately. Application of Magnesium phosphoricum in the following homeopathic diseases Cramps … Magnesium phosphoricum