Oily skin through nutrition

Synonym: Seborrhoeic oily skin has several causes and usually the individual hormone balance is significantly involved in this development. However, other factors such as various environmental influences, skin care and nutrition also play a role in the development and characteristics of a skin that tends to be oily. Although an intervention in the hormonal balance … Oily skin through nutrition

Differential diagnosis | Oily skin through nutrition

Differential diagnosis Oily skin does not have to be the result of diet, but can also be caused by hormonal changes, especially during puberty or pregnancy. The use of anabolic steroids and corticosteroids, which are often contained in anti-inflammatory creams, also leads to increased sebum production and thus oily skin. An important distinction from the … Differential diagnosis | Oily skin through nutrition

Circadian Rhythmicity: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Circadian rhythmicity is the ability to orient to time in relative independence from external influencing factors. This ability is crucial for bodily functions such as hormone secretion or blood pressure. Abrupt time zone changes throw the clock out of balance and manifest in jet-lag. What is circadian rhythmicity? Circadian rhythmicity is the ability to orient … Circadian Rhythmicity: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Home Remedies for Breast Tenderness

Almost every woman suffers from breast tenderness during menopause. At the same time, this tension triggers severe pain in some affected women. For this reason, many like to fall back on old-known home remedies that have already helped many. Thereby a fast relief is very important for many women. Healing successes are also attributed to … Home Remedies for Breast Tenderness

Thermogenesis: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Thermogenesis is the production of heat in the body, as done in thermoregulation to maintain body temperature. Thermogenesis occurs either in muscle or in brown adipose tissue. Decreased and increased thermogenesis can have serious consequences for the body. What is thermogenesis? Thermogenesis is the production of heat in the body, as done in thermoregulation to … Thermogenesis: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Premenstrual syndrome despite the pill

Introduction Premenstrual syndrome is the combination of psychological and physical symptoms caused by hormonal fluctuations before menstruation. It is a multifactorial disorder, which consists of psyche, nervous system and hormonal balance. Usually the contraceptive pill is used to control the hormones in the cycle and a premenstrual syndrome should not occur. However, this is different … Premenstrual syndrome despite the pill

What can you do? | Premenstrual syndrome despite the pill

What can you do? In case of a premenstrual syndrome despite regular use of the pill, the dosage may be responsible for the symptoms. Changing the preparation to a higher-dose pill can prevent premenstrual syndrome. Even a fundamental change in the preparation can help, as not all pills are composed in exactly the same way … What can you do? | Premenstrual syndrome despite the pill