Bowen’s disease

Definition Bowen’s disease (synonym: Erythroplasia de Queryat, Dermatosis preacancerosa Bowen, Dyskeratosis maligna, Bowen’s skin cancer) is a precancerosis of the skin. A precancerosis is a precancerous stage of cancer that is not yet invasive. This means that the degenerated cells do not yet grow deep into the tissue and therefore cannot yet spread and form … Bowen’s disease

Transmission | Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

Transmission Transmission with human papilloma viruses occurs through skin or mucous membrane contact. Human papilloma viruses are considered the most common viruses transmitted during sexual intercourse. In general, it can be stated that in a partnership both partners are almost always affected by an infection. For this reason, vaccination against the “high-risk” types 16 and … Transmission | Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)


Synonym Cervix Cervix definition The cervix is the area between the cervix (portio) and the actual uterus. It extends into the vagina and serves as a connecting passage. During fertilization, sperm pass through the cervix and reach the actual uterus. At birth, the child leaves the uterus through the cervix. During the monthly menstrual bleeding, … Cervix


“Wart” (verruca) is a collective term for a variety of (almost always) benign skin changes that can be caused by many different pathogens. By far the most common trigger for warts, however, are the so-called human papilloma viruses (HPV), with which one can be infected by a contact or smear infection. It is assumed that … Warts