
Synonyms uterine ligaments, ligamenta uteri Introduction Depending on the source, the so-called maternal ligaments are either all the ligaments that stabilize the uterus or only those that cause painful symptoms, primarily when the ligaments are stretched, e.g. as a result of pregnancy. These are the round maternal ligament (Ligamentum teres uteri) and the broad maternal … Motherbands

Function of the uterus

Synonyms uterus, metra, hystera ovary, pregnancy, menstrual cycle, ovaries Uterus – uterus Cervix – Fundus uteri Endometrium – tunica mucosa Uterine cavity – Cavitas uteri Peritoneal cover – Tunica serosa Cervix – Ostium uteri Uterine body – Corpus uteri Uterine constriction – Isthmus uteri Vagina – Vagina Pubic symphysis pubica Urinary bladder – Vesica urinaria … Function of the uterus


Introduction The endometrium is a pink layer of mucous membrane that lines the inside of the uterus. The endometrium plays a particularly important role during pregnancy when the fertilized egg uses the lining of the uterus for implantation. In women who have passed puberty and are still before their menopause, the lining of the uterus … Endometrium

Diseases of the uterine mucosa | Endometrium

Diseases of the uterine mucosa Endometrial cancer is one of the most frequent cancers of the uterus (so-called endometrial carcinoma) in women in Germany. One risk factor for this is an excessively high oestrogen level over several years. Initially, an enlargement of the mucous membrane cells, the so-called hyperplasia, occurs. In addition, a distinction is … Diseases of the uterine mucosa | Endometrium

What happens when the lining of the uterus is sclerosed? | Endometrium

What happens when the lining of the uterus is sclerosed? Endometrial sclerotherapy (so-called endometrial ablation) is a gentle surgical measure in cases of excessive menstruation. There are various procedures, all of which have the removal of the endometrium in common. In the so-called gold net catheter endometrial ablation, a gold net is inserted into the … What happens when the lining of the uterus is sclerosed? | Endometrium

How does the lining of the uterus change during menopause? | Endometrium

How does the lining of the uterus change during menopause? During menopause, the estrogen level in every woman’s body drops because the ovaries no longer produce estrogen. As a result, the lining of the uterus is no longer built up and thus becomes smaller (atrophied). This is why the monthly menstrual period does not occur. … How does the lining of the uterus change during menopause? | Endometrium


Synonym Cervix Cervix definition The cervix is the area between the cervix (portio) and the actual uterus. It extends into the vagina and serves as a connecting passage. During fertilization, sperm pass through the cervix and reach the actual uterus. At birth, the child leaves the uterus through the cervix. During the monthly menstrual bleeding, … Cervix