Further therapeutic methods | Osteopathy for a slipped disc

Further therapeutic methods

In addition to osteopathy, regular physiotherapy should be performed. In this therapy the current symptoms are treated. Pain-relieving measures, such as traction of the spine or soft tissue techniques to treat tense muscles are part of the treatment spectrum.

Also, a correct behavioral pattern in everyday life is pointed out. This includes correct bending behaviour but also getting up from bed. An extreme forward tilt and straight uprighting from a supine position should be avoided; instead, getting up from the side position should be used.

In case of an acute herniated disc, the carrying of heavy objects should be avoided. It is also important to create a suitable exercise program. In the acute phase, it is small exercises without heavy strain on the spine that serve to activate the back and abdominal muscles.

In the later phase the exercises can be increased step by step. If the patient is in the later phase of the herniated disc, a supervised training in a gym would be advisable to strengthen the muscles intensively. Water gymnastics and rehabilitation sports are also recommended. A nutritional consultation is recommended for a general bad constitution and eating habits in order to remove the harmful substances from the body. From a medical point of view, painkillers are usually prescribed or injections of inflammatory and pain-relieving agents are given.


Osteopathy for a herniated disc is recommended to avoid surgery. Depending on the extent of the herniated disc, even an osteopathic session cannot avoid an operation. Osteopathy is a holistic therapy method, the patient is analyzed from head to toe to detect malpositions, movement restrictions, incorrect loading and excessive muscle tone.

If structures are found that cause problems, these are treated specifically. If there is no improvement, the spinal column is treated, because the problems in the periphery can be caused by a blockage in the spinal column. In the case of a herniated disc, caution is generally required during treatment to avoid further deterioration of the disc. In general, osteopathy stimulates the body to heal itself and regulate itself again, since the blood and lymph circulation has been restricted due to static changes.

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