Exercises against a hollow back

The hollow back is also called lumbar hyperlordosis in medical terminology. This means that the curvature of the spinal column is increased in the lumbar region. The facet joints are put under heavy strain and facet joint arthrosis can occur. In extreme cases, a vertebra may even slip ventrally (anterior). The so-called spondylolisthesis (spondylolisthesis), however, … Exercises against a hollow back

Further physiotherapeutic measures | Exercises against a hollow back

Further physiotherapeutic measures In addition to the gymnastic exercise program, manual therapeutic mobilization techniques can also be used in the treatment of the hollow back. Soft tissue treatments of the tense lower back muscles, often also the gluteal muscles and those of the back thigh, complement the active part of the treatment. In particularly severe … Further physiotherapeutic measures | Exercises against a hollow back

Exercises for the thoracic spine

The anterior (ventral) musculature shortens noticeably in today’s everyday life, while the back muscles are too weak to straighten the spine. Exercises for the thoracic spine are aimed at correcting this muscular imbalance, maintaining the mobility of the vertebral joints and restoring the physiological position of the spine. The exercises should be integrated into everyday … Exercises for the thoracic spine

Exercises at the workplace

In many professions, long periods of sitting at the desk in the same posture determine the daily work routine. In many cases, there is no opportunity to move between jobs. This one-sided strain often leads to tension in the neck and back muscles, muscle shortening and joint pain. With simple exercises at the workplace, which … Exercises at the workplace