Botulinum Toxin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxin that has been successfully used as a drug in neurology for many years. However, botulinum toxin has become generally known as Botox, the active agent against expression lines. What exactly is botulinum toxin? And how is botulinum toxin applied? What is botulinum toxin? Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxin that has … Botulinum Toxin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Evaporation: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Evaporation is a part of thermoregulation that maintains a constant body temperature in warm-blooded animals. The evaporation process is also known as the evaporation process and is triggered by decreased sympathetic nervous system tone in hot conditions. Increased evaporation is a predisposition also known as hyperhidrosis. What is evaporation? Evaporation maintains human body temperature despite … Evaporation: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Milkman Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Milkman syndrome refers to pseudofractures caused by osteomalacia. These pseudofractures are features that appear on radiologic examinations and appear white and ribbon-like on radiographs. What is Milkman syndrome? Milkman syndrome pseudofractures are not real fractures, but rather pathological remodeling processes in the bones, usually due to osteomalacia or a similar bone disease. They were discovered … Milkman Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Glands: Structure, Function & Diseases

The glands are located under the skin or directly in the organism and are responsible for producing and excreting hormones, sweat and other substances. They regulate a wide variety of processes and are essential for health. What are glands? Glands are small openings distributed throughout the human body. They produce hormones, sweat or secretions, which … Glands: Structure, Function & Diseases

Sweaty Feet: Causes, Treatment & Help

The fact that the feet sweat is a completely natural process. However, if it happens more, it is called sweaty feet (hyperhidrosis pedis). This is usually harmless, but unpleasant for those affected and also for the environment. Therefore, many people are very ashamed of it. Especially the warm temperatures lead to this dreaded accompanying circumstance. … Sweaty Feet: Causes, Treatment & Help

Athlete’s Foot

Symptoms Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) usually develops between the toes and manifests as sometimes severe itching, burning, reddening of the skin, white softened, peeling and torn skin, skin blisters and dry skin. The symptoms also occur on the soles of the feet and are accompanied by hyperkeratosis. In the course, a difficult-to-treat nail fungus may … Athlete’s Foot