Passion Flower: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Passionflower (Latin Passiflora) is a climbing plant native to the warmer regions of the Americas. The species Passiflora incarnata is used as a medicinal plant, and its leaves and stems are drunk as a tea. The plant is effective against nervous restlessness, tension and irritability, anxiety and some other ailments. Occurrence and cultivation of passionflower … Passion Flower: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Therapy of hysteria

Therapy In a way, the therapy of hysteria begins with the first contact. Usually conversion disorders are only discovered after months and the consultation of all possible specialists. The reason for this is often that the suspicion that the patient’s suffering is “only psychological” causes the person seeking advice to feel neither understood nor taken … Therapy of hysteria

Hysteria: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Few terms exist that have been misinterpreted and reinterpreted more often and caused more discussions than that of hysteria. Already used by the famous ancient physicians Hippocrates and Galen, the term has a very different meaning today and is better researched than it was two and a half thousand years ago. But there is still … Hysteria: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Kitchen clamp

Pulsatilla vulgaris Cowbell, Easterflower, Sleeping Flower The pasque flower is a spring flowering plant. From a vertical root grow up to 25 cm high flower stems, silky hairy. In the end, the pasque flower has large, blue and bell-shaped flowers with yellow stamens. Flowering time: March to May. Occurrence: On sunny, dry locations, the pasque … Kitchen clamp


Synonyms Hysterical neurosis Conversion neurosis, dissociative disorder, histrionic personality disorder Definition Hysteria, or dissociative disorder, is not a uniform clinical picture, but rather a group of different mental illnesses which have in common that the connection and cooperation between body and mind is disturbed. Thus, the awareness of one’s own identity, whether in the case … Hysteria