Kitchen clamp

Pulsatilla vulgaris Cowbell, Easterflower, Sleeping Flower The pasque flower is a spring flowering plant. From a vertical root grow up to 25 cm high flower stems, silky hairy. In the end, the pasque flower has large, blue and bell-shaped flowers with yellow stamens.

Flowering time: March to May. Occurrence: On sunny, dry locations, the pasque flower is a protected species, therefore collecting is not allowed. From the pasque flower itself the herb is used for the production of medicine.

  • Protoanemonin (becomes a less toxic anemonin when dried)
  • Saponins
  • Tanning agents

Because of its strong toxicity and irritant effect, the kitchen cuff is only used in homeopathic preparation. The pasque flower is made from the fresh plant collected during the flowering period. The kitchen cuff is an important homeopathic remedy and is available only on prescription up to D3.

It is used for many different complaints, e.g. patients treated with the kitchen cuff are not thirsty, all complaints become better with exercise and outdoors, worse at rest. Patients freeze very easily, but the symptoms get worse when they are warm. For acute illnesses, the dosage of the homeopathically processed kitchen cuff D4 to D12 is recommended, for chronic courses also higher potencies (D30). Due to its toxicity, the kitchen cuff should only be used in homeopathic preparation.

  • Period disturbances
  • Menopause
  • Complaints in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Varicose veins and phlebitis
  • Inflammations of the eye and nose mucous membranes