Where do you feel the implantation pain? | Pain of implantation

Where do you feel the implantation pain? Most women report pulling centrally in the lower abdomen, exactly where the uterus is located. Rarely can women locate the pain more precisely. When does one feel the implantation pain? The implantation takes place between the seventh and twelfth day after ovulation. However, as the female cycle is … Where do you feel the implantation pain? | Pain of implantation

Pain of implantation

Definition – What is the implantation pain? The implantation of the egg, i.e. the penetration and connection of the egg with the uterine lining, takes place between the seventh and twelfth day after ovulation. The penetration of the egg into the mucous membrane causes a very small injury and may cause slight bleeding (nidation bleeding). … Pain of implantation

The Middle Pain

What is the Mittelschmerz? Mittelschmerz is the term for all complaints that occur in the middle of the female cycle. In most cases, the cause is hormone fluctuations during ovulation exactly halfway through the cycle. The term “Mittelschmerz” can have several meanings and includes both abdominal pain itself and symptoms associated with ovulation, such as … The Middle Pain

Other accompanying symptoms | The Middle Pain

Other accompanying symptoms The term “moderate pain” is often used as a generic term for various cycle-specific complaints.Thus, the term is not only used to describe lower abdominal pain, but also other symptoms such as headaches, chest tightness or subjective hot flashes. The cause is the female sex hormones, whereby the hormone estrogen in particular … Other accompanying symptoms | The Middle Pain

Is it possible to have a moderate pain despite the pill? | The Middle Pain

Is it possible to have a moderate pain despite the pill? The classic pill suppresses ovulation in women. It achieves this by suppressing the release of the body’s own sex hormones through an artificial supply from outside. Nevertheless, the woman still has a regular cycle of about 28 days. With the classic pill, this can … Is it possible to have a moderate pain despite the pill? | The Middle Pain

How do I distinguish a middle pain from an appendicitis? | The Middle Pain

How do I distinguish a middle pain from an appendicitis? An appendicitis typically manifests itself first with indefinable pain around the navel, which then migrates to the right lower abdomen over time and becomes increasingly localized. They are often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Mittelschmerzen typically cause pain in the lower abdomen. However, the motto … How do I distinguish a middle pain from an appendicitis? | The Middle Pain

Ovulation despite pill

Introduction Ovulation despite the pill is virtually impossible with the classic combined pill. Ovulation only occurs if there are errors in taking the pill. With the estrogen-free pills, especially the minipill, however, ovulation can occur to a certain percentage. The progestin in the pill has the primary task of thickening the mucus around the cervix. … Ovulation despite pill

How can you determine ovulation? | Ovulation despite pill

How can you determine ovulation? Ovulation is triggered by the increase in the hormone LH. LH can be determined with ovulation tests in urine. Thus, the change in the LH concentration in the urine can be used to determine whether and when ovulation has occurred. In addition, the so-called cervical mucus also changes after ovulation. … How can you determine ovulation? | Ovulation despite pill