My Child Has Diarrhea: What Helps?

Diarrhea and vomiting diarrhea dry out the body very quickly. Especially in infants, small children and also older people, this danger exists. Fluids and salts must be replaced quickly, and in large quantities: three to four liters of suitable fluid for adults, slightly less for children. This is what doctors recommend Mineral water (still or … My Child Has Diarrhea: What Helps?

Childhood diseases

What are teething troubles? A childhood disease is a disease caused by an infection that is widespread and easily transmitted. Therefore, these diseases occur mainly in children. Usually, a lifelong immunity follows, which means that this disease cannot occur again in the same person. Vaccinations are now available for most infectious diseases that typically occur … Childhood diseases

Diagnosis | Nosebleed with headache

Diagnosis The diagnosis of nosebleeds and headaches is initially made by conducting a detailed interview with the person concerned about their medical history (anamnesis). How often the symptoms occur, which additional symptoms are present and whether there are certain triggers for the nosebleed, these questions are the main focus of the interview. In addition, the … Diagnosis | Nosebleed with headache

You can tell by these symptoms that you are suffering from a stomach flu

Introduction Typically, the symptoms of a gastrointestinal flu occur very suddenly, with the incubation period (i.e. the time between infection and the onset of the first symptoms) depending strongly on the pathogen. The incubation period is usually a few hours and three days. In rare cases, gastroenteritis can be completely asymptomatic, but those affected carry … You can tell by these symptoms that you are suffering from a stomach flu

Can a stomach flu also occur without diarrhoea? | You can tell by these symptoms that you are suffering from a stomach flu

Can a stomach flu also occur without diarrhoea? A stomach flu does not necessarily have to go with all symptoms. Sometimes there is only vomiting or only diarrhoea. You can therefore also have a stomach flu without suffering from diarrhoea. In these cases, the disease is usually caused by viruses, as a bacterial infection of … Can a stomach flu also occur without diarrhoea? | You can tell by these symptoms that you are suffering from a stomach flu

Duration of symptoms | You can tell by these symptoms that you are suffering from a stomach flu

Duration of symptoms The duration of the symptoms of gastroenteritis depends on the pathogen behind the disease. Although a viral infection with noro- or rotaviruses is relatively severe, the symptoms usually disappear completely after a few days. Salmonellae are bacteria that are usually ingested with food. After a short incubation period of a few hours, … Duration of symptoms | You can tell by these symptoms that you are suffering from a stomach flu

Snoring in Children

International studies show that 21 to 37 percent of children already suffer from sleep disorders, and about 9 percent of all infants and children snore. According to estimates, one in five child snorers suffers from sleep apnea (1). In rare cases, nocturnal breathing disorders can even require young children to breathe so hard that developmental … Snoring in Children

Twitching when falling asleep during pregnancy | Twitching when falling asleep

Twitching when falling asleep during pregnancy Pregnancy has an influence on the most diverse processes and metabolic procedures in the body. Twitching, which occurs intensified or even exclusively during pregnancy, is relatively common. In addition to the twitching that can occur in many people during the phase of falling asleep and which is considered harmless, … Twitching when falling asleep during pregnancy | Twitching when falling asleep

Twitching when falling asleep in toddlers | Twitching when falling asleep

Twitching when falling asleep in toddlers Children in early childhood, i.e. between the ages of two and three, also frequently show twitching when falling asleep. The reasons for this, as with adults, are not conclusively clarified. However, it is probable that the transition from waking to sleeping is the reason for the involuntarily occurring twitches. … Twitching when falling asleep in toddlers | Twitching when falling asleep