Twitching when falling asleep in toddlers | Twitching when falling asleep

Twitching when falling asleep in toddlers

Children in early childhood, i.e. between the ages of two and three, also frequently show twitching when falling asleep. The reasons for this, as with adults, are not conclusively clarified. However, it is probable that the transition from waking to sleeping is the reason for the involuntarily occurring twitches.

Children often have a very active daily routine. Both physical and mental activity can increase the occurrence of the typical twitching when falling asleep. However, the so-called Moro reflex, which is responsible for the twitching in babies, cannot be the cause of the twitching in toddlers, as it is no longer present after infancy.The twitching is usually not a cause for concern, even in small children.

Only if instead of convulsions, regular muscle cramps occur throughout the body, may it be that epilepsy is present, which should be clarified and treated. It is therefore essential that changes in the child’s behavior are observed and reported to the doctor.