Therapy for eczema in the auditory canal | Eczema in the auditory canal

Therapy for eczema in the auditory canal The therapy depends on the cause, but in general, triggering factors must be eliminated, especially in the case of contact eczema. Here a first improvement is reached by removing the exogenous noxe, this can be for example a piercing from nickel or chrome. The affected skin area is … Therapy for eczema in the auditory canal | Eczema in the auditory canal

Inflammation of the parotid gland

Parotitis General information The acute inflammation of the parotid gland (technical term: parotitis) usually begins suddenly. Many affected patients experience sudden discomfort and severe swelling in the cheek area during eating. In most cases, bacterial pathogens that enter the parotid gland through the excretory duct are responsible for the development of an acute inflammation of … Inflammation of the parotid gland

Diagnosis | Inflammation of the parotid gland

Diagnosis The diagnosis of an acute inflammation of the parotid gland is usually divided into several steps. Usually, a detailed doctor-patient consultation (anamnesis) is conducted at the beginning. During this conversation, the symptoms and the causal relationship between the symptoms should be described in as much detail as possible. Both the quality and the exact … Diagnosis | Inflammation of the parotid gland

Prognosis | Inflammation of the parotid gland

Prognosis In most of the affected patients, both the inflammation caused by a salivary stone and the infectious acute inflammation of the parotid gland have a favorable prognosis. A prerequisite for an optimal healing process, however, is the timely initiation of a suitable treatment method. If the parotid gland has to be removed because of … Prognosis | Inflammation of the parotid gland

Inflammation of the parotid gland during pregnancy | Inflammation of the parotid gland

Inflammation of the parotid gland during pregnancy During pregnancy, the expectant mother’s immune system is in a learning process. It has to learn to tolerate the embryo, even though it bears foreign paternal characteristics for the mother. Especially at the beginning of a pregnancy, the immune system is a bit down in this process to … Inflammation of the parotid gland during pregnancy | Inflammation of the parotid gland