Diagnosis | Vaginal infection


At the beginning of the examination, the gynaecologist first asks a few questions in order to narrow down the cause of the infection. The questions relate to symptoms such as vaginal burning, itching, discharge or pain. Furthermore, the question about unprotected sexual intercourse or changing sexual partners, as well as symptoms in the partner, is very important in order to be able to diagnose sexually transmitted diseases, for example.

This is followed by a physical examination, during which the gynecologist looks at the vagina and can detect changes such as redness, swelling and discharge. A smear can be taken to determine the pathogen. A cultural culture is required for bacteria that cannot be detected under a microscope.

However, this examination takes several days to weeks. The rapid pH measurement using a test strip is indicative of a disturbed vaginal flora, as is typical for a fungal infection or bacterial vaginosis.Various examinations and tests are available to diagnose a vaginal infection. A very important test performed by a gynecologist is the amine test.

This test is carried out if bacterial vaginosis is suspected. The gynaecologist first takes a smear from the vagina and then sprinkles the smear material with 100% potassium hydroxide solution. The lye causes the typical fishy odor of the effluent to intensify in the case of bacterial vaginosis.

pH measurement is also an important test in the diagnosis of a vaginal infection. With the help of a test strip, which is stroked along the inner wall of the vagina, the pH value is measured on the basis of the color change. An increased pH value indicates an imbalance in the natural vaginal flora and is typical for vaginal infections.

A pH test can also be purchased as a self-test for home use at the pharmacy. An example of this is the product Canestest®. The pH measurement only allows a statement about the change in the pH value of the vagina and cannot determine the type of infection. There are also various questionnaires that can be used as a self-test at home. By means of various questions regarding the symptoms, a completed antibiotic therapy, sexual behaviour and similar, it can be determined whether a vaginal infection is likely.