Prognosis | Inflammation of the parotid gland


In most of the affected patients, both the inflammation caused by a salivary stone and the infectious acute inflammation of the parotid gland have a favorable prognosis. A prerequisite for an optimal healing process, however, is the timely initiation of a suitable treatment method. If the parotid gland has to be removed because of the inflammatory processes, this usually has no noticeable effect on saliva production.The remaining salivary glands are usually able to produce sufficient amounts of saliva.

The duration of parotid gland inflammation depends on both the trigger of the inflammation and the treatment. In general, however, it takes three to eight days for the inflammation to subside. Care should always be taken to ensure that the cause is adequately treated, as treating the symptoms alone is ineffective in parotitis.

The inflammation can only heal quickly if the saliva is allowed to flow out of the parotid gland without disturbance and if good dental and oral hygiene is maintained. Furthermore, the general and nutritional condition of the affected person also determines the course of healing. Particularly in older people, parotid gland inflammation can take a longer course than in children, who usually recover quickly. The use of antibiotics only shortens the course of the disease by a few days in cases of bacterial inflammation. Any persistent parotid gland inflammation over a period of three to four days or with additional complications such as fever or discharge of pus into the oral cavity should be examined and treated by a doctor.


The development of an acute inflammation of the parotid gland cannot be prevented in every case. Nevertheless, the decisive risk factors can be reduced and the formation of salivary stones, the main cause of acute inflammation of the parotid gland, can be counteracted. In this context, great importance should be attached to thorough and regular oral hygiene. Patients who have already had an acute inflammation of the parotid gland should make sure that they drink enough fluid.